Student: Nagel Flores

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Writing Assignment Used for This Interview

Paper #1 (3-4 pages): The first paper asks you to provide a “culture biography.” What cultures do you identify with, and come into contact with? How have these cultures shaped your identity, worldview and self-construal?

Additional information about each paper assignment will be posted on the course website. We will also discuss each assignment in class, as well as dedicate class time to discussing key aspects of writing (e.g., organizing a paper, structuring an argument, supporting an argument) as they relate to each assignment. Additional readings and resources related to writing will also be posted on the course website.


Recent Submissions

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    Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Communicology, clip 15 of 15
    (2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Flores, Nagel; Henry, Jim
    Brief excerpt from interview: I loved my English program at... my University Lab School. The curriculum there, writing every day in our journals for five minutes, reading, being able to write, creative writing. I mean it's not the same necessarily with an academic paper or research paper, but I do feel the Lab School has equipped me to write at the collegiate level, because I've seen levels of my peer's writing and they've gone to other institutions for high school. I feel that what Lab School has provided me is above par compared to other schools.
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    Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Communicology, clip 14 of 15
    (2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Flores, Nagel; Henry, Jim
    Brief excerpt from interview: I do make a list of everything that needs to be done. I have that Google Calendar thing. Trying to do it in increments, having that discipline to actually start doing... That's hard for me to get started... figuring out when I'm most efficient... That really helps me, just knowing when I'm able to work.
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    Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Communicology, clip 13 of 15
    (2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Flores, Nagel; Henry, Jim
    Brief excerpt from interview: Compared to creative writing, Psychology and Communicology is very... researched based... The standards are a little more explicit, such as citations, quoting from certain researchers, and everything. It's like a crash course for graduate school. The Writing Intensive during my undergraduate career... I didn't learn that aspect in high school. I feel that it's helped me become a better writer. I try to double-dip. For example, if I can fulfill both the Psychology course with a Writing Intensive, or a Communicology course with a Writing Intensive, rather than having to take... some other course in another department just to fill that Writing Intensive... Although you do gain some different perspectives from these classes, it takes time and money for me... If I did prioritize I would feel much better prepared for graduate school and everything... I feel that reflecting on [my writing as an undergraduate], seeing where you've improved, where you still need to improve on will help you work on those strengths and weaknesses.
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    Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Communicology, clip 12 of 15
    (2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Flores, Nagel; Henry, Jim
    Brief excerpt from interview: [This course help me be more] aware of culture... Dr. Gasiorek gave the example of a fish in water. A fish isn't aware it's in water. But when you become cognizant of that, you become more aware of your surroundings taking what you learned from the contexts within this course. I think that will be an asset when I go to graduate school. It's a whole different culture up there, and being able to communicate effectively with different people who have different perspectives will help gain that interpersonal relationship with these people.
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    Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Communicology, clip 11 of 15
    (2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Flores, Nagel; Henry, Jim
    Brief excerpt from interview: Because I've grown up here [in Hawaiʻi] my whole life, I just want to... explore and be myself. Because Hawaiʻi is such a small place, you know all the people, and I feel that it's stifled who I am in a sense. I just want to be able to be myself, essentially, without having someone look over my shoulder.
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    Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Communicology, clip 10 of 15
    (2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Flores, Nagel; Henry, Jim
    Brief excerpt from interview: Hopefully I get to end up in the private sector, in business. Being able to communicate on an interpersonal level is something that I feel I have a skill in, and I feel that counseling would be a good fit for me. [Writing] will help me develop these skills that I feel proficient in because it's been a very intense last year for me. I do want to take a break from that, from writing.
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    Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Communicology, clip 9 of 15
    (2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Flores, Nagel; Henry, Jim
    Brief excerpt from interview: I went to class, did my assignments... The exercises we did in class helped me meet some people, but it wasn't anything intimate.
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    Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Communicology, clip 8 of 15
    (2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Flores, Nagel; Henry, Jim
    Brief excerpt from interview: Being able to listen to what we were taught in that class helped me be more cognizant about the communities here in Hawaiʻi... where a lot of us are [from a] collectivist culture... Growing up in American society, [which is] very Western, I'm individualistic, whereas my family, who come from the Philippines, are very collectivist. And that dynamic, through this class, has helped me kind of figure out how... to become more bicultural and culturally competent.
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    Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Communicology, clip 7 of 15
    (2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Flores, Nagel; Henry, Jim
    Brief excerpt from interview: As a person, [this class] helped me to become more open with myself, because there are some prompts within the course that have asked me to reflect on some personal issues within my life that I necessarily wouldn't talk about with anybody. And because of that confidentiality... I felt safe sharing those points... Being able to talk about it more made me feel a sense of relief.
  • Item
    Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Communicology, clip 6 of 15
    (2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Flores, Nagel; Henry, Jim
    Brief excerpt from interview: Dedicating more time to my paper [would address a weakness in my writing performance]. If I actually prioritized on my assignments... I feel that I could definitely enhance my grade.