Open Access at UH Mānoa
Understanding the Policy
Under the UHM Open Access Policy each Faculty member grants permission to the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa to openly disseminate his or her scholarly articles in support of the principle of open sharing of information for the common good. These articles will be disseminated through the UHM institutional repository, ScholarSpace.
To comply with the UHM Open Access Policy, please contact us when you have a peer-reviewed, edited author manuscript that is ready to submit to your publisher for copy editing and formatting. In some cases, based on specific publisher requirements, you may request a waiver from this policy.
Requesting a Waiver
To request a waiver, please fill out our UH Mānoa Open Access Waiver Request Google Form. You will need the following information.
- Name
- Department or Affiliation
- Title of the Article
- Journal Name
- Publisher
- Co-Authors at UH
- Reason for Requesting a Waiver
Contact with any questions.