Student: Vance Hiroshige

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Writing Assignment Used for This Interview

You will write a two-page Celebration of Learning every week and share it in a small group at the beginning of class. The objective is to take charge of your learning and to celebrate what you learn every week. Hopefully, this will allow us to start the class on a positive note, and you can also learn from each other. [student writing is in response to an assigned reading]

Using bullet points, write down five main ideas and briefly explain them.

Focus on ideas and concepts learned in this course.

At least one of your points should state your learning pertaining to ethics.
State an issue pertaining to ethics.
State an argument from two sides of the issue:
Arguments for the motion.
Arguments against the motion.
What is your position on this issue?

Sometimes you may use the following format as an alternative, depending upon the issue:
State an argument from two sides of the issue:
Arguments for the motion.
Arguments against the motion.
What is the perspective on the issue from the U.S.?
What is the perspective on the issue from Japan.?
What is your position on this issue?


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 10 of 13
  • Item
    Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Management, clip 13 of 13
    (2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Hiroshige, Vance; Henry, Jim
    Brief excerpt from interview: I think it's more so if the topic of the research is interesting: for my English 100 the research paper was kind of on an object that represents a theme, and so mines was on 'the dollar bill represents power,' and so that interested me, so that research paper wasn't that bad because I got to research stuff I actually wanted to write about, but if there's another class that we're given a prompt that I just don't have any interest in, then I really don't give my 100 percent in the paper; I'll write just to get the page limit down . . . if I get it back for a second draft to turn in, I just correct whatever is written and turn it back in.
  • Item
    Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Management, clip 12 of 13
    (2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Hiroshige, Vance; Henry, Jim
    Brief excerpt from interview: I think the more effective "w" [Writing Intensive] courses here at UH have been the ones that the writing was more spread out, and the page length wasn't so important . . . I think the classes where we wrote . . . three pages here, two pages there, helped more because I got to just write, we got to edit it and turn it in again . . . so I got more out of the . . . opinion papers rather than the research.
  • Item
    Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Management, clip 11 of 13
    (2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Hiroshige, Vance; Henry, Jim
    Brief excerpt from interview: I think the writing will stay with me when I go abroad, and then I see some differences, and then just to review . . . especially the 'celebrations of learning' since we did six or seven of them, they are more of snippets of the course . . . so then it's easy to review almost what we learned through the whole course just by reading what we wrote.
  • Item
    Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Management, clip 10 of 13
    (2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Hiroshige, Vance; Henry, Jim
    Brief excerpt from interview: If things don't work out there [Japan] with my career plans, then I still want to be in that industry, and the only place in America for that industry is on the mainland . . . I would have to work for one of the big translation companies, so for my specific career goals I don't see myself staying in Hawaiʻi . . . One of the reasons why too I wanted to take this course: to prepare myself for what is to come in the business world.
  • Item
    Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Management, clip 9 of 13
    (2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Hiroshige, Vance; Henry, Jim
    Brief excerpt from interview: After I graduate I plan to do the JET program and teach English in Japan. While I'm there we have up to five years; we can re-up the contract, and so while I'm there I just want to establish business connections . . . hopefully get into either the Japanese comic industry, or into the consulting industry . . . since I kind of grew up on Japanese comics and Japanese Anime and it always kind of influenced my life . . . I realized I think that what i bring I really want to change someone else's life.
  • Item
    Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Management, clip 8 of 13
    (2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Hiroshige, Vance; Henry, Jim
    Brief excerpt from interview: I think being forced to explain what I learned through the week to the group helped me get my ideas out more when I work in a group setting, because before I kind of would just take on a more listener approach . . . even if I had an opinion I wouldn't give it, but after this class I think I got a little bit better in expressing my opinions if we got a group project . . . It was much more freeing to write about whatever we learned, rather than given a specific topic . . . and so learning about the corporate culture of Japan I learned that . . . all those . . . concepts I've learned, they're not going to directly apply to the Japanese market; I have to tailor some aspects and be aware of the cultural differences.
  • Item
    Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Management, clip 7 of 13
    (2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Hiroshige, Vance; Henry, Jim
    Brief excerpt from interview: I learned a little bit about American business culture as well: we had a lesson on negotiation tactics, and the differences, and so they showed how an American company would do it and how a Japanese company would do it, so I learned a little more about American business culture, but not so much Hawaiʻi.
  • Item
    Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Management, clip 6 of 13
    (2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Hiroshige, Vance; Henry, Jim
    Brief excerpt from interview: I think [this class] changed the way I look at Japanese business culture: before I kind of had an idea of what it was, and through this class I think I got some of the stereotypes out, and so when I go and move to Japan and work, I know that they have a reason for doing things.
  • Item
    Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Management, clip 5 of 13
    (2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Hiroshige, Vance; Henry, Jim
    Brief excerpt from interview: My grammar and my sentence structure, kind of pragmatics of writing are my weaker points. I know what I want to get across, but I don't think I write at a University level . . . I try to get feedback before turning in a final product, because I know that even though I kind of proofread my own things, I don't necessarily get everything corrected . . . So i try to get the professor's point of view and I try to improve my writing from there.
  • Item
    Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Management, clip 4 of 13
    (2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Hiroshige, Vance; Henry, Jim
    Brief excerpt from interview: Particularly for business writing, since this is a business class, a lot of it is trying to get our ideas as compact as possible . . . without being too wordy, and Dr. Bhawuk really stressed that in the writings . . . I turned in . . . two or three assignments over again . . . after he corrected it I turned it in again for another grade . . . he would give me pointers on the paper, parts where I could have said this shorter . . . or where I was redundant . . . The ʻcelebrations of learning assignmentʻ and all his assignments, they're mainly just really getting across what you learned, and what you can take away from the class, rather than . . . a normal class having a test.