Student: Dayna Agustin
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Writing Assignment Used for This Interview
Paper #2 (6 pages): The second paper asks to you analyze a culture that you belong to. Describe the culture, drawing on definitions and concepts from class. What are its values? How does this culture influence the verbal and nonverbal communication of its members?
Additional information about each paper assignment will be posted on the course website. We will also discuss each assignment in class, as well as dedicate class time to discussing key aspects of writing (e.g., organizing a paper, structuring an argument, supporting an argument) as they relate to each assignment. Additional readings and resources related to writing will also be posted on the course website.
Recent Submissions
Item Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Communicology, clip 13 of 13(2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Augustin, Dayna; Henry, JimBrief excerpt from interview: As far as Writing Intensive courses, the requirements of the papers are at good length. As long as it's something that we can relate to, or if it's something that really clicks in our mind, or something that we should really remember. Actually, when there is no page limit, when there is no required 'I have to make this mark,' that's when I can write forever. That's when I have to go back and take out, but when there is a seven page requirement and I'm at four pages...and I'm running out of things to actually talk about...Item Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Communicology, clip 12 of 13(2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Augustin, Dayna; Henry, JimBrief excerpt from interview: I do definitely believe [the writing from class] will stay with me because... I'm proud of it. After I'm done with it, I look at it and I think I should have my parents read this. They would be proud. I am keeping a lot of it, just so I can look back on it. I've done that for my English classes, and I've actually kept some of my friend's essays too. You look at your different writing styles from then and now. It might not have changed much... I can see what I was trying to portray back then that didn't really come out. It didn't really have much meaning to it because I was writing about theories. I was writing about concepts that I couldn't actually relate to what I wanted to talk about. Now if it's something I want to talk about, it comes out fine.Item Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Communicology, clip 11 of 13(2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Augustin, Dayna; Henry, JimBrief excerpt from interview: I actually hope to go back to Kauaʻi and start a great life there. I initially planned to stay in the islands. I know there's not a lot of jobs on Kauaʻi that are very high... You don't have to have much of a degree to get some of the jobs on Kauaʻi. But that's home for me.Item Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Communicology, clip 10 of 13(2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Augustin, Dayna; Henry, JimBrief excerpt from interview: I really would like to be a motivational speaker for troubled youth on Kauaʻi. I believe there's a lot of things that I've learned through my classes that can help me not only understand the youth and why they're doing what they're doing. I've experienced what they're doing. I've seen it happen. Being able to go out and present and talk to people, and understand that this is a certain persuasion that you could use to persuade them to not do something... This is a certain element that you can add to add suspense so that you make sure that they're listening... There's a company on Kauaʻi that helps children through leadership building skills. It's like a little camp, and they pound taro and they go work in the loʻi while you're teaching them these leadership skills, you're teaching them about the land. The Hōkūleʻa is looking for a communications major or maybe a communicology major to help them... upkeep the website and talk about what they're doing. I hope that writing can be the reason why they notice me.Item Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Communicology, clip 9 of 13(2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Augustin, Dayna; Henry, JimBrief excerpt from interview: It's a stage of the culture shock, where at first you come here and you're really excited and everything is new...and then there's a point in time where you're like 'okay, I have to adjust to all of this.' I guess I'm still in that adjusting period. Just going home, and then switching back to the city mentality and seeing all of this, it's very hard. It gets harder. I can't go home and visit as much because I have finals. Kauaʻi people, we get very homesick. When we come back [to Oʻahu], we see limitations. I had taken a 251 class where you give speeches and do research on just speaking. And that really changed how I looked at college. I became so much more interested in my classes. Finding communicology as my major really opened up a whole new door for me. It really makes appreciate that I came to college.Item Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Communicology, clip 8 of 13(2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Augustin, Dayna; Henry, JimBrief excerpt from interview: Since I left my island, I've learned so much more about it. I took a Hawaiian Studies was very in depth and went into ancestral practices. My mom has been doing this forever. I've learned about geographics of my island. I've learned so much more about my island, as well as these islands and what used to be. I chose my island and I did further research on plantation days. That was important to me because of my grandpa. That was his era. When I did research on it I was like 'wow' this was where my grandparents came from here, immigrated here, to work, and this is how our culture became.Item Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Communicology, clip 7 of 13(2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Augustin, Dayna; Henry, JimBrief excerpt from interview: [This course and the writing] makes me think that people actually do read my writing. I'm kind of proud of that, makes me feel like my writing is going somewhere and it wasn't for nothing. It's not just some assignment. It definitely makes me think more about what I can do with my writing...It does make me feel more connected to my major. I never did feel like I was close to graduating, but now that it's coming to an end, my writings are improving. I'm like okay, I have been in college for four years.Item Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Communicology, clip 6 of 13(2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Augustin, Dayna; Henry, JimBrief excerpt from interview: Before I had people read over my work, I would just kind of think it in my head, type it out, and submit it. I think that was one of my weak points, and that wasn't very successful for me. During 301 when I had Jessica, I really was at first hesitant to kind of ask her for feedback... but I did know that the papers were coming up. Towards the end I realized how to take apart her lecture, take apart what I needed, and she kind of fixed it as a way to highlight colors. 'This is a theory. This is what it states. This is what I need you to know, this is what I need you to remember.' So what I do is I bring highlighters now... I don't really care for computers. I don't really care for something I can't erase, plus if I hand write it down it kind of sticks better to me. The idea of culture, the idea of me wanting to explain how my culture works or explain how my island works as opposed to how this island works or as opposed to how another island works. It's me wanting to promote what we see and what we believe as a culture because I am very proud of my culture and I am very proud of where I came from. This is me expressing my island's culture. It's so easy, and it just makes sense, so it's easier to write about it.Item Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Communicology, clip 5 of 13(2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Augustin, Dayna; Henry, JimBrief excerpt from interview: [The professor's feedback] is very honest... but she means well in a constructive criticism way. It's not criticism, really, it's more like 'you should do this,' or 'does this link to this concept?' I'll be honest. I just had my boyfriend read it. Yeah, I just have him look over it and he'll tell me if something doesn't make sense, if something doesn't really flow well, if something's grammatically wrong.Item Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Communicology, clip 4 of 13(2015) Place-based WAC/WID Hui; Augustin, Dayna; Henry, JimBrief excerpt from interview: The first paper we ever had to write had nothing to do with your point of view. It's just kind of elaborating on a theory, and when I turned my paper in she said 'This is nothing like APA format.' At first it did kind of demotivate me a little bit...but I got help, and now that I figured it out, it's not as hard. It doesn't demotivate me. During class, if you listen to Jessica lecture, and you give her feedback, she kind of sets up your paper for you. I remember doing MLA when I was in high school.