The Diffusion, Impacts, Adoption and Usage of ICTs upon Society Minitrack

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The aim of this mini-track is to offer a global perspective of how ICTs are being diffused, used and adopted within society including households, organizations, government and social communities. Adoption, usage and diffusion studies are prevalent in Information Systems (IS) research and offer an insight into many issues surrounding ‘how’, ‘when’ and ‘what’ technologies are being introduced and their impacts. By undertaking this research academics, industry and government agencies will learn of how ICTs are being utilised by various groups and communities in society and what measures are being undertaken to have households and the various social communities adopt and use the ICTs with a further consideration of the impacts of the ICTs. Case studies, experiments, empirical, applied studies related to ICT use, adoption, impacts and diffusion are emerging on a daily basis.

Therefore, topics and research areas included in this mini-track are, but are not limited to:

  • The adoption and usage of ICTs, broadband, mobile phones and other ICTs within households, communities, or society
  • The use, adoption, impact and diffusion of any classic or innovative ICTs including electronic commerce initiatives, social technologies, or Internet-of-Things within the society
  • Evaluation of the technological and non-technological aspects of the adoption and usage of ICTs
  • Stakeholder theory and the adoption, diffusion and usage of ICTs
  • Human Computer Interaction issues related to the adoption, usage and impact factors in the context of ICTs
  • Economics of the Adoption, Use and Diffusion of ICTs in society and in households
  • Working practices and their association with adoption, use and diffusion within organizations
  • Resistance to change, adoption, use and diffusion within society and organizations
  • Policies and the adoption, diffusion, use of Broadband in societies and households
  • Conceptual studies of how a particular ICT is adopted and used within a specific community
  • Empirical studies of the adoption and impact of ICTs in developing countries

Please note: Best papers from this mini track will be selected for submission to a special issue of the Journal of Information Technology for Development.

Minitrack Co-Chairs:

Jyoti Choudrie (Primary Contact)
University of Hertfordshire

Sherah Kurnia
The University of Melbourne

Shahper Vodanovich
Auckland University of Technology


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Item
    The Influence of Situation-Dependent Factors on Mobile Shopping Usage
    (2017-01-04) Wolf, Larissa; Bick, Markus; Kummer, Tyge-F.
    Although situations influence the use of a technology, this field has been largely neglected in mobile shopping. Therefore, this paper aims to identify situational factors impacting on the intention to use a mobile device for actual purchase transactions, as actual purchases were found to be the least adapted shopping activity conducted via mobile devices. This study contributes to the field of mobile shopping behavior by being the first to simultaneously investigate the influence of various situational factors on the intention to shop mobile. Based on Belk’s five categories of situational factors, we perform a conjoint analysis to explore the relevance of different situational characteristics for low and high involvement products. The results indicate that particularly the product price, the internet connection, and the mobile shop layout determine mobile shopping behavior. Practical actions to strengthen the mobile channel and increase consumers’ intentions to purchase via mobile devices, can be derived from the findings.
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    Inclusive Innovation in the Private Sector: The Case of East African Tech Start-Ups
    (2017-01-04) Koskinen, Kari
    Inclusive innovation argues for the inclusion of societally marginalised groups into the innovation process in order for them to better benefit from the innovations. In the literature on the topic, the main actors behind these innovations are multinational enterprises or entities from the public or third sector. However, in a developing country context, inclusive innovation might be equally relevant for small private sector entities, as they often target the same users, for example the non-profit sector. \ \ This paper studies the role of inclusive innovation in technology start-ups in East Africa and argues that, despite their profit seeking purpose, contextual factors force many of these start-ups to automatically adopt methods advocated by inclusive innovation. This has important implications to evaluating the role of the private sector as a provider of services and products that can be seen as having a positive impact on the lives of these groups.
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    Geographic Patterns and Socio-Economic Influences on Mobile Internet Access and Use in United States Counties
    (2017-01-04) Sarkar, Avijit; Pick, James; Moss, Greg
    As mobile devices rapidly proliferate and internet services expand concomitantly, a confluence of the two enables users to access the internet on their mobile-cellular devices for a variety of purposes. In this paper, we examine mobile adoption and mobile internet usage in 3,108 counties of the United States for e-entertainment and e-commerce purposes. Spatial patterns of mobile internet adoption and usage are explored to understand the extent of the mobile internet digital divide in the US. Using the Spatially Aware Technology Utilization Model, socio-economic, innovation, affordability, and social capital influences on mobile adoption and mobile internet use are examined. Spatial dimensions of county-level mobile internet activity and evidence of strong association of geodemographic and tariff variables emphasize the importance of market forces on mobile internet usage. Policies to bridge the mobile internet digital divide are recommended based upon the significant influence of market factors, innovation, and affordability.
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    A Meta-Analysis of Enjoyment Effect on Technology Acceptance: The Moderating Role of Technology Conventionality
    (2017-01-04) El Shamy, Nour; Hassanein, Khaled
    Recent advancements in Information and Communication Technology lead to the development of affordable, novel, out of the ordinary, and unconventional information technology artifacts. Such innovative technologies including virtual reality, wearable technology, and robots; feature unique human-computer interfaces, untraditional hardware designs, enable unique and atypical affordances, and provide their users with unprecedented experiences. As these artifacts become more pervasive, it is important to understand whether established Information Systems theories apply to this new paradigm. This meta-analysis introduces the definition of technology conventionality and investigates its moderating role on the effect of perceived enjoyment on users’ behavioural intention to use the technology with the aim of contrasting the effect sizes across conventional and unconventional technologies. Findings indicate that perceived enjoyment plays an important role in shaping users’ behavioural intention for both conventional and unconventional technologies. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.
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    Introduction to The Diffusions, Impacts, Adoption and Usage of ICTs upon Society Minitrack
    (2017-01-04) Choudrie, Jyoti; Kurnia, Sherah; Vodanovich, Shahper