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For HICSS-51 the steadily increased volume of submissions to the EGOV track has taken a slight pause. Such a slowdown effect has been observed before, only to be followed by another five or six years of steady increase in submissions. In its 13th year with full-track status and like in the years before the EGOV track at HICSS has maintained its strong position among the other conference tracks and, in particular, as the leading research conference in electronic government and participation research arena.

Also, once again, in 2017 the overall volume of peer-reviewed publications in EGOV research has risen in double digit percentage numbers (see EGRL, the E-Government Reference Library, at http:// tinyurl.com/p5w8vv) So, we are happy to repeat the statement made for the past several years: Egovernment and e-participation research is thriving and growing in quality. We continue to be on a very good path.

Over more than a decade, three annual conferences have established themselves as core conferences, which the global e-Government community preferably uses to convene: The International Digital Government Conference (dgo) in May/early June of each year, the now merged EGOV-CeDEM-ePart conference in late August/early September, and, last but most importantly not least, the EGOV track at HICSS in January. Just like HICSS on a larger scale, so also the EGOV track has gained the reputation among members of the community for serving as a bellwether for important new developments in this fascinating domain of study. It has been rated the flagship conference in e- Government [1].

This year and for the twelfth time in a row, the EGOV track is accompanied by a symposium, this year dedicated to the topic of “Smart Cities and Smart Governments: The Enabling Role of Research and Practice Collaborations in the Urban Context.” The symposium has become a major event in the community’s ongoing discussion, particularly, with respect to new avenues of research and collaboration with practice.

When looking forward towards HICSS-52, the EGOV Track will have a new track co-chair in John C. Bertot (U Maryland) who will succeed Lemuria Carter whose new leadership appointment and duties at her home institution make contributions to the Track very difficult. We thank Dr. Carter for her multiyear commitment to the HICSS EGOV Track. In 2018, the EGOV track proudly hosts peer-reviewed and accepted papers in eleven minitracks with 1 or 2 sessions each:

Cybersecurity and Government presents research focusing on the critical role of security and assurance to government operations, critical infrastructure, and citizens’ trust.

Emerging Topics in EGOV has a long tradition of nurturing new topics such as the array of things, smart grids, and novel research methods in EGOV research, EGOV foundations, and others.

Government and Disaster Resilience is a minitrack that focuses on the capacity of professional responders, communities, and society to cope with all hazards in an effective fashion.

Government Services and Information showcases research dedicated to the rapidly developing field of online services in the public sector.

ICT4D (Information and Communication Technologies for Development), looks at the opportunities to use ICTs in human development and social justice.

Open Data, Information Processing, and Datification in Government highlights the increasing importance and roles of Data Sciences in the public sector.

Participation, Crowdsourcing, Co-Creation, and Innovation in Open Government highlights research in this rapidly growing study area.

Policies and Strategies for Digital Governance addresses how public administration develop, implement, and evaluate public policies.

Smart Cities, Smart Government, and Smart Governance focuses on the technical, organizational, political, economical, and social aspects of urban environments in the 21st century.

Social Media in Government studies the unfolding and use of social media in the context of government.

Transformational Government covers characteristics, development, implementation, and uses of information systems that support the full range of management and administrative functions.

[1] Scholl, H. J., & Y. K. Dwivedi, "Forums for electronic government scholars: Insights from a 2012/2013 study," Government Information Quarterly, vol. 31 (2), pp. 229-242, 2014.

Track Chairs:

Hans Jochen Scholl
The Information School
University of Washington
Email: jscholl@uw.edu

Lemuria Carter
School of Business
Virginia Commonwealth University
Email: ldcarter@vcu.edu
