Animal Sciences 432: Swine Production

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SHORT DESCRIPTION: This course will involve integration and application of academic knowledge and critical skills emphasizing professional development, including field placement with an approved cooperating supervisor or employer.

ACADEMIC PREPARATION: Students must have completed the majority of the classroom work related to their area of emphasis. FSHN students should be in their final semester. Sponsors for the field work expect students to possess fundamental skills and knowledge enabling them to assume various tasks and increasing responsibility at the work site within a reasonable amount of time. Students must be ANSC or FSHN majors and obtain consent of the course instructor.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1. To acquire work experience in food, nutrition, animal science or veterinary areas.

a. Practice working with a variety of people.

b. Develop personal contacts with professionals.

c. Identify the influence of culture on professional interactions with others.

2. To integrate and apply knowledge and skills from the academic program to practical work responsibilities.

a. Use computer skills.

b. Expand writing capability.

c. Practice oral communication skills.

d. Apply appropriate techniques in field settings.

e. Determine appropriate information for field setting.

f. Develop practical skills.

3. To obtain experience in setting and achieving career-related goals and objectives.

a. Develop, monitor and evaluate learning objectives and time lines through communication and negotiation with field supervisor and instructor.

b. Identify personal strengths and weaknesses.

c. Evaluate potential career options.


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