Advances in Design Science Research

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    Proposing Design Principles for Sustainable Fire Safety Training in Immersive Virtual Reality
    (2022-01-04) Haj-Bolouri, Amir; Rossi, Matti
    Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) technologies are frequently adopted by organizations for safety training. Safety training in IVR engages and motivates employees to develop skills in how to manage hazardous situations. By employing IVR for safety training, organizations and employees can develop safety knowledge and increase their sustainability awareness. In this paper we develop design principles for sustainable fire safety training in IVR. The principles were developed through an Action Design Research (ADR) case. The paper demonstrates how ADR can be used to design individual training environments and how the method supports the development of more generic design principles for such environments. The design principles are subsequently proposed as: Design for Multimodal Risk Perception, Design for Empathetic Safety Cognition, Design for Formative Hazard Inspection, and Design for Comfort in Uncomfortable Decision Making.
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    Implications from Responsible Human-Robot Interaction with Anthropomorphic Service Robots for Design Science
    (2022-01-04) Knof, Merlind; Heinisch, Judith S.; Kirchhoff, Jérôme; Rawal, Niyati; David, Klaus; Von Stryk, Oskar; Stock-Homburg, Ruth Maria
    Accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, anthropomorphic service robots are continuously penetrating various domains of our daily lives. With this development, the urge for an interdisciplinary approach to responsibly design human-robot interaction (HRI), with particular attention to human dignity, privacy, compliance, and transparency, increases. This paper contributes to design science, in developing a new artifact, i.e., an interdisciplinary framework for designing responsible HRI with anthropomorphic service robots, which covers the three design science research cycles. Furthermore, we propose a multi-method approach by applying this interdisciplinary framework. Thereby, our finding offer implications for designing HRI in a responsible manner.
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    Hack the Experience: Scaffolding Codesign Processes for Organizational Innovation in Language Learning
    (2022-01-04) Medina, Richard; Tschudi, Stephen
    Hackathons are collaborative gatherings where participants address a challenge that touches on a shared concern or problem. The hackathon event model is increasingly adopted by diverse types of organizations that involve an equally diverse set of participants. In this case study, we report on an online hackathon event that was adapted for an educational organization. The event was offered as an opportunity to build community and enhance innovation skills for a group of undergraduate language students from across the United States. In contrast to technology focused outcomes, participants in the event focused on designing and prototyping experiences common in language learning. The case study presents the elements and dynamics of the hackathon through the lens of codesign to illustrate how specific stakeholder design activity can be scaffolded and facilitated to produce actionable design artifacts. These artifacts capture the design process that subsequently informs organizational innovations and product discovery.
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    Exploring Design Principles and Design Features for a Business Game to Teach the Relationship Between Business Models and Business Processes
    (2022-01-04) Betzwieser, Benedikt; Landler, Philipp; Levkovskyi, Borys; Utesch, Matthias
    Both business models and business processes represent crucial concepts for research and practice. Since both topics affect each other directly, understanding their connection is essential. However, literature does not provide a teaching concept focusing on their relationship. Using a business game could provide a suitable solution for that purpose due to its features. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to design and evaluate a business game that can be used to teach the relationship between business models and business processes. Towards this end, we apply a design science research approach to build the business game. Based on our identified design requirements, we introduce a set of design principles guiding our design process. Moreover, we demonstrate a prototypical instantiation using design features and evaluate our results with focus groups. Our work contributes to the design knowledge base of business games in the context of business models and business processes.
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    Designing the Future With the “Delphi Design Sprint”: Introducing a Novel Method for Design Science Research
    (2022-01-04) Thoring, Katja; Klöckner, Hermann W.; Mueller, Roland M.
    This paper introduces a novel innovation method that focuses on the development of future-oriented artifacts. The “Delphi Design Sprint” combines two existing methods—the Delphi method and Design Sprints. The development of the method follows an action research approach and was tested and validated in a university-led design project involving a panel of 20 international experts. This paper introduces the method and describes exemplary results of the project’s outcome.
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    Context in Design Science Research: Taxonomy and Framework
    (2022-01-04) Herwix, Alexander; Zur Heiden, Philipp
    One of the open methodological concerns for design science research (DSR) in information systems is how to think about and deal with the notion of context. This paper takes an important step toward clarifying the notion of context and elaborates how it can be dealt with from a DSR perspective. In particular, we present a coherent theoretical account of context grounded in Pragmatism. Moreover, we also reify this understanding into a Context Taxonomy and Context Framework for DSR. Altogether, we intend to provide a sound foundation and a fruitful platform for DSR that is more attuned to the particularities of context.
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    Conceptualizing Design Knowledge in IS Research – A Review and Taxonomy of Design Knowledge Properties
    (2022-01-04) Dickhaut, Ernestine; Janson, Andreas; Leimeister, Jan Marco
    Design science projects are of great interest in information systems (IS) research. Typically, design-oriented projects generate valuable design knowledge through the design and possible instantiation of artifacts. Although designing novel artifacts and accumulating design knowledge is common practice in IS, there is still limited shared knowledge about the distinctive characteristics of design knowledge to facilitate its accumulation. To address this issue, we develop a design knowledge taxonomy and contribute to a deeper understanding of design knowledge properties. The taxonomy is grounded on a systematic literature review, followed by a combination of empirical-to-conceptual and conceptual-to-empirical iterations. We evaluate the taxonomy by interviewing six domain experts and demonstrate its practical application and utility. Thus, the taxonomy consists of key dimensions and characteristics of design knowledge and contributes to a better scientific understanding of its characteristics. Practitioners can use the taxonomy as an instrument to further understand, design, and accumulate design knowledge.
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    Computational Science: A Field of Inquiry for Design Science Research
    (2022-01-04) Storey, Veda; Baskerville, Richard
    The digitalization of science has resulted in the development of essential, specialized, devices and software. Computational science, as a branch of science, is specifically identified as an important, potential area for which it would be helpful to apply design science research. This paper examines computational science, identifies its past and ongoing challenges, and suggests that progressing computational science with design science research can serve as an important area of inquiry for continuing design science research.
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    A Renaissance of Context in Design Science Research
    (2022-01-04) Zur Heiden, Philipp; Beverungen, Daniel
    Foundational theorems for sciences of the artificial highlight that the object of design is not form alone, but ensembles of form and context. However, traditional methods, frameworks, and guidelines for design science research (DSR) strongly focus on developing artifacts as forms while downplaying their contextual reference. This undue emphasis on forms leads design researchers to develop incomplete design theories. Based on drawing on the foundational literature on design as science, we advocate for a renaissance of context, leading us to propose selective adaptations of core methods and frameworks that constitute DSR. We evaluate our approach by reviewing papers that account for most of these adaptations implicitly. Further research can draw on our results to develop IT artifacts and design theories as ensembles of context and form while discussing implications for additional methods and frameworks in DSR.
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    Introduction to the Minitrack on Advances in Design Science Research
    (2022-01-04) Tuunanen, Tuure; Rossi, Matti; Baskerville, Richard