Using Cybersecurity Body of Knowledge (CyBOK) Case Studies to Enhance Student Learning Kohnke, Anne Tenbergen, Bastian Mead, Nancy 2021-12-24T17:25:52Z 2021-12-24T17:25:52Z 2022-01-04
dc.description.abstract One of the central aspects of specialization in modern software engineering is security engineering. With contemporary systems being networked and entrusted with mission-critical functionality, cybersecurity is an essential quality that must be developed into the system from the first moment. This comprises issues such as privacy, authentication, robustness against vulnerabilities, and hardness against external attacks. To do so, software engineering specialists with appreciation for the detailed intricacies of security engineering as well as broad experience are required. The Cybersecurity Body of Knowledge (CyBOK, [1]) has been developed to serve, among other uses, as an instructional reference for educators to prepare the next generation of security engineers in this respect. While the CyBOK describes the intricacies of security engineering in plentiful detail, it remains up to the instructor to convey this curriculum in a way that fosters understanding and forms experience as well as competencies in the learner. To aid the instructors who use the CyBOK, we have devised a library of 18 case studies that are specifically designed to target CyBOK knowledge areas. The case studies are sufficiently detailed to allow adoption with minimal overhead on the instructor. In this paper, we describe the case study mapping to the CyBOK, and classroom results of one exemplary case study, demonstrating improved understanding by students.
dc.format.extent 10 pages
dc.identifier.doi 10.24251/HICSS.2022.130
dc.identifier.isbn 978-0-9981331-5-7
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subject Industry, Quality, and Social Issues (IQSI)
dc.subject case study library
dc.subject cybersecurity
dc.subject cybok
dc.subject educational materials
dc.subject secure software engineering
dc.title Using Cybersecurity Body of Knowledge (CyBOK) Case Studies to Enhance Student Learning
dc.type.dcmi text
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