Software Engineering Education and Training

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1. Introduction

We have seen technology changing society in many ways, and unquestionably, the global pandemic has accelerated distance working and education. Social distancing has demanded the adaptation or creation of services, which means systems and software. Education and Training have become essential to support these technological demands. A high-quality environment for knowledge sharing about Software Engineering Education and Training is a necessity for scientists, developers, practitioners, educators, and students, to promote the adaptation, creation, and improvement of systems and software. Therefore, after a productive meeting at HICSS in 2019, CSEE&T (Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training [1]) is pleased to return to HICSS as a special invited track in 2022.

This is the second time that HICSS and CSEE&T collaborate in promoting a special track. The focus is on “Improving Today’s and Future Systems and Software” through Software Engineering Education and Training for students and practitioners. This initiative shall provide a stimulating and fruitful forum to debate questions such as: How shall academia and industry support software engineering education and training in today’s context? How shall students and practitioners develop or improve software engineering and systems development skills? How shall educators and technology support such development and improvement?

2. About the Special Track

HICSS and CSEE&T present original contributions and experiences regarding learning and teaching software engineering. Although distinction between computer science education and software engineering education should be recognized, the intersection of systems’ development education and software engineering is welcomed. Topics of this special track include the following minitracks:

  • Assessment, Evaluation and Measurements (AEM)
  • General Software Education (GSE)
  • E-Learning, Online Training, And Education (OTE)
  • Industry, Quality, and Social Issues (IQSI)

There were 47 submissions to the track, with 22 accepted for prestation. The track also includes an invited keynote presentation from this year’s Nancy Mead Award recipient Prof. Ian Sommerville.

3. Nancy Mead Award

The Nancy Mead award is presented annually to an individual who has demonstrated outstanding contributions to software engineering education and training, as well as to the related area of software engineering professionalism. Contributions may include but are not limited to: service to the community, papers, reports, books, tools, techniques and media for software engineering education, and outstanding practice of teaching that has been witnessed by the community at large. Contributions have had an influence over an extended period at the international level. Contributions to software engineering itself (peer-reviewed research or practice) are considered but having made such contributions are not necessary to receive this award.

The award is named in honor of Nancy Mead, the founding Steering Committee Chair of the Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training.

4. References


Patrick Letouze
Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Dan Port
University of Hawaii, Manoa


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