Advances in Distrust and Trust Research: Digital Technologies in Organizations and Beyond

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    Understanding the Necessary Conditions of Multi-Source Trust Transfer in Artificial Intelligence
    (2022-01-04) Renner, Maximilian; Lins, Sebastian; Söllner, Matthias; Thiebes, Scott; Sunyaev, Ali
    Trust transfer is a promising perspective on prev-alent discussions about trust in AI-capable technologies. However, the convergence of AI with other tech-nologies challenges existing theoretical assumptions. First, it remains unanswered whether both trust in AI and the base technology is necessary for trust transfer. Second, a nuanced view on trust sources is needed, considering the dual role of trust. To address these issues, we examine whether trust in providers and trust in technologies are necessary trust conditions. We conducted a survey with 432 participants in the context of autonomous vehicles and applied necessary condition analysis. Our results indicate that trust in AI technology and vehicle technology are necessary sources. In contrast, only vehicle providers represent a necessary source. We contribute to research by provid-ing a novel perspective on trust in AI, applying a promising data analysis method to reveal necessary trust sources, and consider duality of trust in trust transfer.
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    The Same or Different? Investigating Whether Trust and Distrust Are Orthogonal Constructs or Span a Continuum
    (2022-01-04) Capiola, August; Alarcon, Gene; Gibson, Anthony; Jessup, Sarah; Hamdan, Izz Aldin
    Trust has been investigated across many psychology sub-disciplines. However, there is a debate in the literature as to whether a) trust is a continuum ranging from trust to distrust or b) if trust and distrust are orthogonal constructs. The present research investigated these postulates by assessing self-reported measures of trust and distrust before and after an experimental task. Participants engaged in a trust game and were randomized to experience trust or distrust behaviors across several trials. The results showed that self-reported measures of trust and distrust were highly correlated. Moreover, the experimental manipulation evidenced comparable effects on both trust and distrust criterion. The results support the postulate that trust and distrust compose a continuum, with trust at one end and distrust at the other. Practically speaking, researchers may wish to simply assess a measure of trust rather than assessing multiple self-report measures of the same construct (i.e., trust and distrust).
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    The Impact of Trust in Technology on the Appraisal of Technostress Creators in a Work-Related Context
    (2022-01-04) Zielonka, Julia Theresia
    Research in technostress examines how and why the use of information and communication technologies causes individuals to experience an imbalance between demands and the ability to meet them. In this paper, the impact of system-like trust and human-like trust on the appraisal of technostress creators in a work-related setting is examined. In order to test the propositions, data on trust, technostress creators, the perception of distress and eustress, and job satisfaction were collected in a web-based survey from 210 employees. Structural equation modeling was performed for data analysis. The results confirm that both, system-like trust and human-like trust, significantly affect the appraisal of technostress creators. In particular, the higher the trust in technology is, the less harmful technostress creators are perceived, which positively impacts job satisfaction.
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    Painting A Holistic Picture of Trust in and Adoption of Conversational Agents: A Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modeling Approach
    (2022-01-04) Anton, Eduard; Oesterreich, Thuy Duong; Schuir, Julian; Teuteberg, Frank
    With their human-like nature, conversational agents (CAs) introduce a social component to human-computer interaction. Numerous studies have previously attempted to integrate this social component by incorporating trust into models such as the technology acceptance model (TAM) to decipher the adoption mechanisms related to CAs. Given the heterogeneity of these previous works, the aim of this paper is to integrate empirical evidence on the role and influence of trust within the nomological network of the TAM. For this purpose, we conduct a meta-analytic structural equation modeling approach based on 45 studies comprising k = 155 correlations, and N = 13,786 observations. Our findings highlight the multifaceted role of trust as a mediator transmitting the effects of the technology-related perceptions that drive the intention to use CAs. Our results present a comprehensive overview in a thriving research field that can guide both future theory building and the designs of more trustworthy CAs.
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    Exploring the Chemistry of Datafication Control – Pathways for a Trust-Enabling Use of Smart Workplace Technology
    (2022-01-04) Schafheitle, Simon; Weibel, Antoinette; Rickert, Alice
    Organizations experiment with how smarttechnology can be used to manage employees since before COVID-19 and the possibilities seem almost limitless. However, the question of how this can be achieved without impairing the so-needed trust inside organizations is yet to answer. Hence, in this study, we employ a crisp-set QCA to investigate what trustenabling datafication control configurations look like. Drawing on unique survey data from Switzerland, we show that datafication control can go hand in hand with trust if organizations make efforts for employeecentricity. Further, we can reveal four distinct ways of how organizations can implement employee-centricity to mitigate possible trust-impairing signals that stem from augmented data-gathering and analysis capabilities. Our results contribute to the still heated debate on the duality of control and trust. They also help leaders to navigate through the unmanageable multitude of possible and even trust-toxic combinations.
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    Enhancing Trust in Trust Services: Towards an Intelligent Human-input-based Blockchain Oracle (IHiBO)
    (2022-01-04) Yu, Liuwen; Zichichi, Mirko; Markovich, Réka; Najjar, Amro
    As their name suggests, trust is of crucial importance in ‘‘trust service". Nevertheless, in many cases, these services suffer from a lack transparency, documentation, traceability, and inclusive multi-lateral decision-making mechanisms. To overcome these challenges, in this paper we propose an integrated framework which incorporates formal argumentation and negotiation within a blockchain environment to make the decision-making processes of fund management transparent and traceable. We introduce three possible architectures and we evaluate and compare them considering different technical, financial, and legal aspects.
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    Introduction to the Minitrack on Advances in Distrust and Trust Research: Digital Technologies in Organizations and Beyond
    (2022-01-04) Möhlmann, Mareike; Jarvenpaa, Sirkka; Alarcon, Gene; Blomqvist, Kirsimarja