Behavioral Economics in the Digital Economy: Digital Nudging and Interface Design

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    The Dark Side of Privacy Nudging – An Experimental Study in the Context of a Digital Work Environment
    (2021-01-05) Barev, Torben; Schwede, Melanie; Janson, Andreas
    In digital environments, individuals tend to share disproportionally more information than in face-to-face communication. Critically, disclosing personal information can yield risks such as unwanted monitoring or discrimination. Privacy nudging is a promising approach to get users to disclose less personal information. In this work, we tested two nudges corresponding to the issue of personal privacy. A framing nudge conveys an intensive message and a social nudge provides social cues. To empirically test these nudges, we evaluated an experiment with 223 participants. The results indicate that privacy nudges negatively influence information disclosure behavior. The social nudge was perceived as a threat. The framing nudge directly affected negative emotions and the social nudge indirectly. Perceived threat and negative emotions have a significant negative effect on information disclosure intention. With this research, we contribute to the discussion of what drives privacy nudge effectiveness and influences information disclosure behavior in digital work environments.
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    Sensitive to the Digital Touch? Exploring Sensory Processing Sensitivity and Its Impact on Anthropomorphized Products in E-Commerce
    (2021-01-05) Yuan, Lingyao; Barlow, Jordan
    Individual characteristics have a strong impact on people’s decision making and behaviors in virtual environments, including interacting with virtual agents, avatars, or animated objects. Prior IS research on individual characteristics has mostly focused on constructs such as the Big Five personality traits, emotional intelligence, and social sensitivity to categorize individuals on a high level. However, we believe how individuals receive, process, and react to sensory information at the basic level is critical for developing perceptions towards humanized objects through the process of anthropomorphism. This study explores sensory processing sensitivity as an inherent individual characteristic and its impact on individuals’ bidding decision towards humanized products in online auctions. Results show that people’s sensory processing sensitivity has a positive impact on their willingness to pay. This positive relationship is fully mediated by perceived anthropomorphism towards the products.
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    Digital Nudging for Technical Debt Management: Insights from a Technology-driven Organization
    (2021-01-05) Buchmann, Lorena; Haki, Kazem
    Today’s fast-growing and ever-changing business environments force software development teams to release high-quality software on a tight schedule. The notion of technical debt (TD) captures the technical compromises wherein software quality is sacrificed for short-term goals. One of the most significant challenges for technical debt management (TDM) is time as a factor of complexity. TD arises from decisions that are favorable in the short term but cause a need for complex and costly actions in the long term. Building on the applications of nudges – the use of small design modifications in choice environments to guide people’s behavior – and on their psychological effects, in this design science research we develop and evaluate design elements of a Technical Debt Management Label (as a TDM nudge) in a technology-driven organization. The TDM label aims to guide software developers’ decisions towards adopting TDM activities that are favorable in the long term.