Interactive Visual Analytics and Visualization for Decision Making

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    Interactive Feature Extraction using Implicit Knowledge Elicitation : Application to Power System Expertise
    ( 2022-01-04) Crochepierre, Laure ; Boudjeloud-Assala, Lydia ; Barbesant, Vincent
    Industrial systems such as power networks are continuously monitored by human experts who quickly identify potentially dangerous situations by their experience. As current energy trends increase the complexity of day-to-day grid operations, it becomes necessary to assist experts in their monitoring tasks. This paper proposes an interactive approach to create human-readable analytical expressions that describe physical phenomena by their most impacting quantities. We present an interactive platform that brings experts in the training loop to guide the expression search using their expertise. It uses an evolutionary approach based on Probabilistic Grammar Guided Genetic Programming with expertly created and updated grammars. Interactivity is multi-level: users can distill their knowledge both within and between evolutionary runs. We proposed two usage scenarios on a real-world dataset where the non-interactive algorithm either provides (case 1) or not (case 2) satisfactory solutions. We show improvements regarding the solution's precision (case 1) and complexity (case 2).
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    Decision support for multi-component systems: visualizing interdependencies for predictive maintenance
    ( 2022-01-04) Gashi, Milot ; Mutlu, Belgin ; Lindstaedt, Stefanie ; Thalmann, Stefan
    Taking dependencies between components seriously and considering the multi-component perspective instead of the single-system perspective could help to improve the results of predictive maintenance (PdM). However, modeling and identifying the interdependencies in complex industrial systems is challenging. A way to tackle this challenge and to identify interdependencies is using visualization. To the best of our knowledge, existing research on visualizing interdependencies is not applied to multi-component systems (MCS) so far. Further, it is not clear how visualization approaches can provide suitable decision support to identify interdependencies in PdM tasks. We evaluate three key visualization approaches to represent interdependencies in the context of PdM for MCS using a crowd-sourced design study in a questionnaire survey involving 530 participants. Based on our study, we were able to rank these approaches based on performance and usability for our given PdM task. The multi-line approach outperformed other approaches with respect to performance.
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    A Visual Decision-Support System using Fingerprint Matrices applied to Cyclical Spatio-Temporal Data from Motorsports
    ( 2022-01-04) Street, Chris ; Hoeber, Orland
    Visualizing cyclical spatio-temporal data is an important part of understanding how and why objects move in the context of motorsports, which is critical feedback for drivers to improve their performance. Current methods have problems such as occlusion and loss of context which significantly limit our ability to see and understand vehicle data. Here we demonstrate how the fingerprint matrix method (which is normally used in lexical analysis) can be applied in vehicle motion analysis to overcome these two problems. Compared to traditional methods using traction circle scatterplot displays of acceleration force data from a race car, our prototype design allows decision makers to see individual datapoints in a more concise display. We show that informative but previously-hidden anomalies and patterns become more easily recognized in the data. Our design generalizes to other cyclical spatio-temporal visualization problems involving transportation, medicine, and the natural world.
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