IT Architectures and Implementations in Healthcare Environments Minitrack
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We invite papers that address IT architectures and implementations in healthcare environments, which range from the communication and dissemination of data/knowledge across healthcare systems, to pervasive healthcare settings, m-health, I-health, and intelligent, ubiquitous healthcare. We would also like to receive papers from a spectrum of disciplines involved in the IT implementations, which may include: personalized medicine, modeling patient behavioral change, and the management of online social-intensive healthcare environments which generate and disseminate healthcare knowledge. Modern IT architectures in healthcare often emphasize the pervasiveness of healthcare software solutions and proliferation of effective IT applications (Apps) which run on Android, iOS and other mobile operating environments.
Specific topics of interest may include:
- Integrated Solutions in Healthcare:
- Architectures and implementations of personal healthcare information systems, Software tools for empowering and educating patients, Applications of mining internet health information for health consumers, Personalized decision support systems for preventive healthcare.
- Architectures and frameworks for achieving interoperability, Deploying its standards and creating conceptual models; Medical vocabularies and terminology for manipulating semantics in heterogeneous health systems.
- Software tools and services in integrated healthcare: Architectures for and applications of healthcare web services and semantic web technologies and infrastructures in healthcare; Application architectures in public health protection, preventive healthcare and delivery of personalized health services.
- Complexities and challenges of addressing information overload and sharing data and practices across healthcare systems: Implications for patient records and the management of patient information and their accessibility and transparency; Healthcare application interoperability and e-health interoperability levels.
- Communicating heath-related data: exchange and integration of clinical data, documents and workflows; Dissemination of health related data to healthcare professionals and caregivers; Telemedicine, e-prescribing and medication management, e-health, m-health.
- Emerging Healthcare Software Implementations in:
- Personalized medicine: Frameworks and software platforms for personalized medicine which includes science driven approaches to healthcare and the creation of targeted therapies, tailored medical interventions and selection of medicines; Intelligent software models for predictive development of diseases, disease prognosis and their prevention;
- Drug repositioning and ranking: computational models and solutions for evidence and network based drug repurposing; drug repositioning on the clouds, probabilistic models and algorithms for predicting drug repurposing.
- Smart healthcare: Health information portals; Educational and social models for self-managed healthcare and healthcare literacy; Internet and doctor-patient relationships; I-doctor; Moving health information amongst health consumers; Personalizing management of illnesses, treatments, rehabilitation regimes.
- Patient tracking: Tracking patients and analyzing their clinical outcomes and results of treatments; Creating statistics on shared healthcare data as a result of patient tracking within and across locations; tracking patients with similar conditions, or for those who had undergone similar treatments.
- Applications of social media and virtual environments in healthcare: social media analysis for healthcare and public healthcare management, virtual spaces for exchange of experiences and information; Infrastructures and architectures for implementing collaborative and virtual healthcare environments;
- Apps and Relevant Architectures in Healthcare
- Apps for creating innovative healthcare services: Apps for empowering health related mobile gadgets and smart phones; Apps for monitoring fitness, physical and cognitive activities, self-testing of health conditions in patients and for individual’s wellbeing goals;
- Apps for monitoring: Regular medicine intake and general use of certain types of medicine(s), the management of chronic diseases across population, in public health management and heath surveys.
- Apps for supporting: New medical practices of collecting, analyzing and interpreting health data in mobile and wireless environments, Generic and disease specific heath surveys across health domains and addressing cost saving issues in the delivery of quality healthcare.
- Apps stores for healthcare domain: experiences of using Android and iOS environment in m-healthcare, advantages and drawbacks of creating Apps for healthcare and incentives for investing in m-heath software solutions.
- Architectures for creating platforms for m-health: accommodating Apps for health related services, which support new medical practices, workflows and regulations dependent on wireless and mobile technologies; Securing healthcare Apps development environments; Supporting the creation of m-health start-up companies.
- Architectures for Integration: Specifying and placing mobile devices and their Apps in existing healthcare systems for various purposes: from demands for ubiquitous healthcare delivery to addressing relieving pressure on cash-strapped, poorly financed and ill-equipped healthcare institutions and environments.
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Radmila Juric (Primary Contact)
HSN, Norway
Jasna Kuljis
Brunel University
Suzanne Miller
Carnegie Melon University
Karen Stendal
HSN, Norway