Integration to Digital Platforms and Infrastructures

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    Platformization Practices of Health Information Systems: A Case of National eHealth Platforms
    ( 2022-01-04) Dang, Duong ; Pekkola, Samuli ; Pham, Son ; Vartiainen, Tero
    Using electronic health (eHealth) platforms is an approach for reaching more people to get services—for example during pandemics or disasters. eHealth platforms help reduce costs and improve the general quality of healthcare. However, establishing eHealth platforms at the national level is challenging due to legal, privacy, and financial constraints. Furthermore, studies on the national eHealth platform in the public sector are scarce. This motivated us to study and understand the process of implementing a public national eHealth platform. We use a qualitative case study as a research approach and the theory of practice and concept of site as lenses to examine the platformization practices of three national-level eHealth platforms. We contribute to the literature by identifying key features of site-shifting in eHealth and describing the practices and features of involved practitioners and the site regarding the process of establishing the platform. Our findings benefit practitioners, as the platformization phases can be seen as lessons when establishing a national eHealth platform. Additionally, the three approaches discussed in this study could be seen as a guide to creating national eHealth platforms.
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    Identity Projection Strategies for Non-Focal Actors in Digital Ecosystems
    ( 2022-01-04) Liu, Shiyuan ; Henfridsson , Ola ; Nandhakumar, Joe
    In digital ecosystems, non-focal actors cannot survive without working on the identity of their apps. The identity expresses what the app is about to customers. However, it also projects an image of the role of the non-focal actor in the larger ecosystem. Such identity projection is relevant for managing the relationship with focal actors of the digital ecosystem. We outline and test three strategies for identity projection (identity conformity, identity differentiation, and identity refinement). Using panel data of social networking applications in the iOS appStore in China between 2014 and 2019, we investigate the influence of non-focal actors’ identity projection on their survival in digital ecosystems. Our result shows significantly increased app survival for those who actively pursue the identity projection strategies in three directions. Thus, we shed light on the role of platform identity in navigating platform competition in the digital age when participation across ecosystems becomes compulsory for every digital business.
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    Introduction to the Minitrack on Integration to Digital Platforms and Infrastructures
    ( 2022-01-04) Rossi, Matti ; Pekkola, Samuli ; Smolander, Kari