Program on Population. Papers.

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Presents findings and policy implications from research on population issues in Asia, the Pacific, and the United States. The series reflects diverse disciplinary and cultural perspectives on population issues. Since its publication in 1970, the series has changed several times. Titles may be found under the following series: Papers of the East-West Population Institute, Papers of the Program on Population, EWC Occasional Papers, Population Series, Population and Health Series.

The East-West Center ScholarSpace community contains digital versions of just some of the several thousand books, periodicals, and unpublished papers generated by the Center over the past 50 years. Find a complete list of recent East-West Center publications and learn how to obtain them at . Search for recent and older works from 1960 - present using the Center's library catalog at


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    Trends in female and male age at marriage and celibacy in Asia
    (Honolulu: East-West Center, 1992) Xenos, Peter; Gultiano, Socorro A.
    This paper examines trends across Asia in the female and male mean ages at entrance to marriage. The female singulate mean age at marriage (SMAM) has been the object of considerable attention, while the male age at marriage has not. We show that with few exceptions the long-term trend to later female marriage continued into the 1980s and in many countries has produced quite high percentages of singles among the young. With the exceptions noted, there is no indication that the trend has abated. Trends for males are in sharp contrast. There has been less change and the pace of change has been slower. In fact, the underlying components of change have been different for females and males. The essential difference is that female ages at marriage have become more diverse, while there has been a homogenization of male marriage ages. A research agenda is offered stressing examination of differences among countries and between the sexes and how these differences reflect the disparate trends in economic growth that have been experienced.
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