Software Product Lines and Platform Ecosystems: Engineering, Services, and Management Minitrack
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Software has become the key asset for competitive products and services in all industries. Thus, competitiveness in software development, maintenance, and related services has become a concern for organizations. There are two primary strategies to deal with this concern: increasing the competitiveness (1) internally through methods such as the strategic acquisition, creation, and reuse of software assets or (2) externally by outsourcing software development, maintenance, and related services to third party service providers. A viable third strategy is to enact both strategies in parallel. This minitrack will focus on the first strategy but submissions dealing with the third strategy are very welcome as well.
This minitrack welcomes contributions to the mainstream product line body of knowledge. Authors with a strong software engineering focus are encouraged to relate their work with the relevant work (e.g., on agile methods) in the other minitracks of the Software Technology track. To help integrate new bodies of knowledge in product line research and practice, we especially welcomes contributions including but not limited to:
- Business models and strategies for product lines
- Economic valuation of product lines
- The design and governance of platforms by platform owners
- The co-evolution of platform ecosystems; platform owners, complementors, and other organizations involved in the ecosystems; business processes leveraged in the ecosystems; and technical architectures of platforms
- Distributed leadership in developing open source platforms and product lines
- Knowledge management practices and systems for product lines
- Service systems and their implications for product lines
- International standardization initiatives related to product lines
- Building and/or validating (design) theories for software platforms from the viewpoints of design science and behavioral science to facilitate effective interactions between the platforms and their owners, complementors, and other stakeholders
The minitrack is also interested in industrial experiences in product line engineering if they can be used:
- to support advanced academic and/or industrial courses on software product line engineering and platform ecosystems management and/or
- to validate or challenge existing theories and/or create new theories relevant to the software product line engineering body of knowledge.
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Timo Käkölä (Primary Contact)
University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Andrea Leitner
Virtual Vehicle Research Center, Austria