Smart Cities, Smart Government, and Smart Governance Minitrack
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The concept of smartness in government and governance has been investigated for more than a decade. Prominently, much research has been directed towards the concept of Smart City, for which so far no standard definition has been adopted either in theoretical research nor in empirical studies. Different definitions have been offered. However, all definitions seem to agree that a smart city refers to an urban environment, in which citizens’ daily life (work, school, safety, and leisure) improves over previous standards facilitated by modern information technologies. These improvements pertain to social, political, economic, governmental, and other dimensions.
Although smart cities are based on ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies), people (with their knowledge, habits, experiences, culture and behavior) remain the main actors and instigators of change and progress in the direction of smartness.
Finally, the concept of smart city refers to and translates into the broader and separate topics of smart government and smart governance, which are topics of interest in their own right. This minitrack aims at exploring (1) what a smart city is, how it evolves, and what the theoretical understanding of a smart city is; and (2) how the larger concepts of smart government and smart governance can be better understood and integrated.
Topics and research areas include, but are not limited to:
- Smart city definition
- Conceptual frameworks of smart cities
- Conceptual frameworks of smart government
- Conceptual frameworks of smart governance
- Smart city case studies
- e-Government in the urban space (smart government)
- Smart city and emerging technologies (big data, open data, social media & networks,...)
- Smart city and decision-making
- Smart city and security
- Smart city and knowledge management
- Smart city evaluation & performance measurement
- Smart cities’ critical success factors
- Smart city and open innovation
- Managing the smart city
- New vulnerabilities in smart infrastructures
- Smart grids and their implications (traffic, utilities, communications)
- Smart grids and the Internet of Things (infrastructure, transportation, education, governance, environment, health care, safety, security, and energy)
- Smart partnerships (triple/quadruple helix, public-private partnerships, citizen participation)
- Collective intelligence for cities and regions
- New cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities in smart technologies
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Elsa Negre (Primary Contact)
Università Paris-Dauphine
Camille Rosenthal-Sabroux
Università Paris-Dauphine
Mila Gascó-Hernández
Institute of Public Governance and Management ESADE – Ramon Llull University