Special Topics in Organizational Systems and Technology
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Item Developing a Capacity for Organizational Resilience Through Organizational Culture of Collaborative Networks among Information Workers(2023-01-03) Sarkar, Amitrajit; Selway, Kate; Ascroft, John; Wingreen, StephenThe outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the vulnerabilities of the traditional physically co-located office, forcing many organizations to work remotely. During COVID-19, many knowledge workers work from home regularly, and as a result, the power distance between remote e-workers and their previously on-site colleagues has disappeared. An in-depth organization-wide case study was conducted to answer our research questions, how does the involuntary working from home requirement due to COVID-19 affect team collaboration and performance? What are the enabling factors to design and implement a hybrid way of working in knowledge organizations? And how does organizational culture influence IT governance performance in global virtual teams in a large organization during volatile and uncertain situations? The main conclusion of this research is that organizational culture does influence the performance outcomes of IT governance.Item Introduction to the Minitrack on Special Topics in Organizational Systems and Technology(2023-01-03) Fruhling, Ann; Ryan, JimItem Impact of Anxiety on Information Processing Among Young Adults: An Exploratory Eye-tracking Study(2023-01-03) Alrefaei, Doaa; Sankar, Gaayathri; Norouzi Nia, Javad; Djamasbi, Soussan; Liu, Shichao; Strauss, Sarah; Gbetonmasse, SomasseAnxiety, one of the most common mental illnesses among American adults, is often assessed via self-reported measures. While self-reported measures provide an efficient step in capturing health symptoms from patients’ point of view, by their mere nature self-reported measures provide only a narrow interpretation of health symptoms. Capturing eye movements unobtrusively during self-reports, when patients summarize their experience of anxiety by choosing a single option among a set of alternatives, can provide invaluable insight about patients’ information processing and decision behavior. Because anxiety impacts how we attended to information that we use to select options, the objective moment-to-moment eye-movement data can substantially enrich the information that is typically provided by patients as single scores representing their anxiety levels. Supporting this point of view, our results indicate that eye movements may serve as valuable objective information complementing the subjective self-reported anxiety measures to enable more effective assessment and treatment of anxiety.Item Newcomers' Stress and its Effects on Well-Being during an IT Organization's Socialization Process(2023-01-03) Hekkala, RiittaPrevious research in other fields has shown an increasing interest in understanding newcomers’ stress and its impact on professionals’ well-being. However, we still have a limited understanding of newcomers’ stress and its emotional, behavioral, and psychological effects in the information technology organization (IT) and information system (IS) development contexts. Moreover, the newcomers’ socialization process into IT work or/ and organizations remains unexplored in the IS field. We conducted a qualitative and longitudinal case study (pre-COVID-19) that helped us understand newcomers’ stress from IS project work, and how its consequences emerge during their socialization process. We provided information in response to the call for more understanding of newcomers’ stress elements in the IT organization and IS project context. It is important to understand different stress elements and their consequences because these elements impact individuals’ attitudes, behaviors, job performance, and health among other things.Item Innate Principles and the Digital Object: Insights from Core Knowledge Theory(2023-01-03) Califf, Christopher; Springer, MarkPsychology research reveals that humans possess innate principles that govern how we make sense of objects and object-directed actions. These principles are embedded in interrelated systems of core knowledge that shape behavior. This paper theorizes how the innate principles embedded in two core knowledge systems—the system of object representation and the agent system—play a crucial role in shaping how a technology user conceives of and carries out an object-directed action through a digital object and its embedded features. The theorization is instantiated in the context of IS research through a framework we call the user-object action scene, which comprises four interrelated elements: the user, the goal-object/goal-agent, the object-approach, and the goal environment. We conclude by encouraging IS researchers to revisit established IS theories through the lens of innate principles, and provide guidance on how to use innate principles to reexamine two IS theories: technology acceptance and technostress.Item IT Project Portfolio Management Tools: Towards Taxonomy-based Archetypes(2023-01-03) Karrenbauer, Christin; Bergmann, Florian; Breitner, Michael H.To achieve organizational goals and remain competitive, evaluating, selecting, and managing IT projects and proposals to build a value-driven portfolio is a critical activity. IT project portfolio management (ITPPM) tools assist these portfolio-related activities, support strategic decision-makers, and help complete more IT projects successfully. Despite existing research on this topic, knowledge about the characteristics and design elements of ITPPM tools is still limited. We develop a taxonomy based on scientific literature and 60 real-word ITPPM tools with four perspectives, 20 dimensions, and 51 characteristics. Subsequently, we perform a cluster analysis and identify five ITPPM tool archetypes. Our results and findings contribute to the knowledge base and integrate scientific and practical knowledge to build the basis for further research on ITPPM tools. Further, we structure the ITPPM tool market, guide practitioners in selecting an appropriate ITPPM tool and support the development of new solutions or develop existing ones further.Item Teaching Analytics in Colleges of Business(2023-01-03) Gramling, Regina; Rainer, KellyBusiness Analytics has become a common term in all businesses. The importance of analytics in the modern business environment has made it necessary to include analytics as a foundational course for all business majors. There is much debate on what content should be taught in analytics courses and what is the role of computational skills versus the skills needed to interpret and communicate the results that are needed as part of the analytics process? These problems point to the essential difference between analytics and statistics. As we discuss in this paper, analytics is a process that employs statistical tools. We first discuss the business analytics process which we feel should be taught in all business analytics courses. We then propose a two-course sequence, Business Analytics I and Business Analytics II, to be taught as required courses in colleges of business.Item In-Memory and Column Storage Changes IS Curriculum(2023-01-03) Freeze, Ronald; Bristow, SusanRandom Access Memory (RAM) prices have been dropping precipitously. This has given rise to the possibility of keeping all data gathered in RAM rather than utilizing disk storage. This technological capability, along with benefits associated with a columnar storage database system, reduces the benefit of Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) and eliminates the need for Online Transactional Processing (OLTP) and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) activities to remain separate. The RDBMS was a required data structure due to the need to separate the daily OLTP activities from the OLAP analysis of that data. In-memory processing allows both activities simultaneously. Data analysis can be done at the speed of data capture. Relational databases are not the only option for organizations. In-Memory is emerging, and university curriculum needs to innovate and create skills associated with denormalization of existing database (legacy) systems to prepare for the next generation of data managers.