Social Impact and Information Systems

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    Towards the Design of Effective Whistleblowing Systems
    ( 2022-01-04) Jobinpicard, Paul ; Doha, Ahmed
    Whistleblowing systems serve as a vehicle for change, empowerment, and ethical/social responsibility. Organizational whistleblowing is a socially complex phenomenon that impacts people and organizations across various disciplines and sectors. Whistleblowing is a high-stakes act involving the dissemination of highly sensitive information about multiple actors with tangling stakes/interests. These features inherently make the task of designing effective whistleblowing systems (WS) a challenging one. To address this, our paper develops key design objectives (DO’s) for effective WS. We do this by conducting a qualitative literature review of whistleblowing research and by availing elements from design science methods and stakeholder theory. We present four key DO’s for effective WS, which we support with a whistleblowing news dataset. This paper serves as a first step in developing design principles (DP’s) for effective WS. This research contributes to a growing discourse on organizational whistleblowing in the IS community.
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    Selecting and Adapting Methods for Analysis and Design in Value-Sensitive Digital Social Innovation Projects: Toward Design Principles
    ( 2022-01-04) Gebken, Larissa ; Drews, Paul ; Schirmer, Ingrid
    Digital Social Innovations (DSI) aim to address social challenges, such as poverty and inequality, with information and communication technologies. The development of such innovations requires a broad understanding of the DSI ecosystem and the pluralistic values of the involved actors to enable sustainable development and long-term anchoring. In value-sensitive DSI projects, actors need to combine methods from DSI and Value Sensitive Design (VSD) with methods applied by the IS community for developing digital services. In this article, we address the challenge of selecting, adapting and combining methods in DSI projects. Based on the reflection of an action design research project related to the development of a digital donation system for homeless neighbors and a literature analysis, we developed design principles (DP) for the selection and adaptation of methods for supporting value-sensitive DSI projects.
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    Peace Teams in the Protest-Repression Nexus: A Sociomaterial Perspective of De-escalatory Tactics
    ( 2022-01-04) Canevez, Richard ; Winter, Jenifer
    Peace teams work in the trenches of demonstration in liberal democracies. When situations between different parties can escalate to violence, they deploy various tactics and tools to de-escalate the situation. Their work navigates a web of institutions and actors, as well as tools that introduce their materiality into de-escalatory practices. Depicting this system stands to highlight how Peace Teams an maximize their capacities both socially and technologically. However, to date there is no cohesive social and material account of Peace Team work. This study adopts a sociomaterial perspective of demonstrations through the eyes of Peace Teams and their de-escalatory tactics, using semi-structured interview and focus groups. We provide theoretical insights about the sociomaterial nature of de-escalation as being a confluence of social and material intra-actions, and argue for bases of trust as an underlying mechanism to account for the configuration of particular sociomaterial assemblages as manifest in the protest-repression nexus.
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    Examining Power Relationships in the Use of Information Systems to Comply with Laws and Enable Social Inclusion
    ( 2022-01-04) Cao, Shiya ; Strong, Diane ; Loiacono, Eleanor
    This study employs the circuits of power framework to analyze how power relationships affect the use of Information Systems (IS) in the social inclusion context. This research majorly contributes to social inclusion research in IS by examining how the power relationships influence the use of IS and how IS design can address complex power relationships and enable social inclusion.
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    Introduction to the Minitrack on Social Impact and Information Systems
    ( 2022-01-04) Young, Amber ; Jarvenpaa, Sirkka ; George, Jordana