Social and Psychological Perspectives in Collaboration Research Minitrack
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This minitrack focuses on the social, psychological, and cognitive factors that can affect the design, development, use, and application of collaboration and communication technologies. We seek papers that address the social and psychological perspectives, concepts, and theories of collaboration and communication technologies, including social media applications and Web 2.0 technologies. Of particular interest are papers that study an IS phenomenon with Sociology/Psychology as a referent discipline as well as papers that study a Sociology/Psychology phenomenon situated in an IS domain or application.
Specifically, the "Social & Psychological Perspectives in Collaboration Research" minitrack focuses on but is not limited to:
- Personality, behavioral, cognitive, and social factors related to communication and collaboration in co-located and distributed groups
- Social and psychological effects of collaboration technologies
- Attractions and affiliations in groups arising from use of collaboration technologies
- Team/group psychology and use of collaboration technologies
- Effects and consequences of personality on system design and use
- Psycho-social and cognitive factors influencing acceptance and implementation of collaboration technologies
- Leadership issues involved in collaboration
- Aggression and violence in online collaboration
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Gert-Jan de Vreede (Primary Contact)
University of South Florida
Triparna de Vreede
University of South Florida