Social and Psychological Perspectives in Collaboration Research Minitrack

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This minitrack focuses on the social, psychological, and cognitive factors that can affect the design, development, use, and application of collaboration and communication technologies. We seek papers that address the social and psychological perspectives, concepts, and theories of collaboration and communication technologies, including social media applications and Web 2.0 technologies. Of particular interest are papers that study an IS phenomenon with Sociology/Psychology as a referent discipline as well as papers that study a Sociology/Psychology phenomenon situated in an IS domain or application.

Specifically, the "Social & Psychological Perspectives in Collaboration Research" minitrack focuses on but is not limited to:

  • Personality, behavioral, cognitive, and social factors related to communication and collaboration in co-located and distributed groups
  • Social and psychological effects of collaboration technologies
  • Attractions and affiliations in groups arising from use of collaboration technologies
  • Team/group psychology and use of collaboration technologies
  • Effects and consequences of personality on system design and use
  • Psycho-social and cognitive factors influencing acceptance and implementation of collaboration technologies
  • Leadership issues involved in collaboration
  • Aggression and violence in online collaboration

Minitrack Co-Chairs:

Gert-Jan de Vreede (Primary Contact)
University of South Florida

Triparna de Vreede
University of South Florida


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Item
    We’re In This Together: The Role of Team Characteristics in Enterprise Process Execution and Performance
    (2017-01-04) Bhagwatwar, Akshay; Bala, Hillol; Barlow, Jordan
    Organizations face challenges after a new enterprise system (ES) implementation, including employee resistance and negative impacts on organizational outcomes. ESs are used by employees in coordination with their team members for executing business processes. Consequently, team characteristics are likely to play a critical role in influencing perceptions about effective process execution and performance when using ESs. Yet research has not investigated the influence of team characteristics, such as team coordination, shared mental models, and mutual trust, in overcoming challenges associated with process execution following a new ES implementation. We conducted a lab simulation to investigate the role of team characteristics to moderate the influence of process characteristics on team and process performance. We posit that even if teams initially perceive processes as complex, rigid, and radical, team characteristics can mitigate these perceptions and reduce their influence on performance outcomes.
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    (Virtual) Identity Communication: Motivations and Contextual Factors
    (2017-01-04) Thatcher, Sherry; Wilson, David; Brown, Susan
    Although prior literature has explored the important process of identity communication in face- to-face settings, significant changes in how work is accomplished in modern organizations require the development of new theory. Building on extensive identity research in non-virtual settings, this paper develops and justifies a new theoretical model that better explains the antecedents of virtual identity communication. The model explores how identity motives lead to identity communication, and how virtual communication environments alter these processes. We summarize our data collection methodology and the results of a preliminary data collection and conclude by discussing theoretical and practical contributions. The concepts and relationships presented here can help theorists and managers better address identity issues faced by modern, technology-infused organizations. \
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    The Impact of Virtual Team Consistency on Individual Performance and Perceptual Outcomes Over Time
    (2017-01-04) Fuller, Robert; Summers, Jama
    This research examines how the provision of virtual team membership consistency may impact perceptions of the communication technology and interactions as well as performance. The results from a repeated measures experiment finds that virtual teams with expectations of inconsistency in membership have a more negative perception of the supporting technology, and perceive less coordination than consistent teams. Additionally, members on consistent teams perceive less interpersonal conflict, greater coordination, and enjoy greater performance outcomes. Virtual team consistency is an important construct that can provide insights to virtual team member concerns regarding team turnover and loss of social capital due to turnover. Given the ephemeral nature of virtual team membership, consistency may be a key construct for consideration in overcoming delay in virtual team engagement and social identity development.
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    Media Naturalness and the Ability to Predict Generosity in a Give-Some – Get-Some Interaction
    (2017-01-04) Roghanizad, Mahdi; White, Roderick; Neufeld, Derrick
    Evolutionary psychologists believe the human mind evolved to solve adaptive problems present in our ancestral environment. Our hominid ancestors survived in face-to-face groups by assessing the cooperative intentions of other group members. Media naturalness theory postulates face-to-face is the most ‘natural’ communication medium. This paper reports results from a laboratory experiment examining the ability of student subjects to predict the generosity of a counter-party under two media conditions: Face-to-Face (FtF), the more natural condition; and Video-to-Video (VtV), the less natural, technology-mediated condition. After a five-minute interaction, subjects took part in a give-some – get-some exchange and then predicted the generosity of their counterparty. Consistent with media naturalness theory, FtF subjects predicted generosity at a frequency greater than chance. Surprisingly, generosity predictions for the VtV condition were not significantly different from chance. Generosity prediction relates to important organizational behaviors such as cooperativeness, trust, and teamwork. Implications and future research opportunities are discussed. \
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    Catch Me If You Can: Technological Constraints/Affordances and Mindfulness during Collaborative Police Emergency Response
    (2017-01-04) Verhulst, Matthijs; Rutkowski, Anne-Françoise
    Nowadays, mobile technology plays an essential role during police emergency response duties. This article presents the result of an ethnographic research in progress. Police officers were shadowed during their shifts (70 hours of observation) in cases of time-pressured incidents. We analyze the entanglement between the material and human agencies while the police officers were responding to two incidents (a holdup and a burglary). We assess the effect of technological constraints and affordances on human mindfulness. Mindfulness is important to achieve a successful collaborative response to an emergency where multiple High Reliability Teams are involved. When technology is not used to its full potential, our results show that it hinders collaboration between teams. Additionally, the results show the amount of time pressure affects the level of mindfulness among police officers.