Towards the Future of Enterprise Systems

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    Trends in Academic and Industrial Research on Business Process Management - A Computational Literature Analysis
    (2022-01-04) Muff, Fabian; Härer, Felix; Fill, Hans-Georg
    An important aspect of enterprise information systems is the management and execution of business processes. For exploring the evolution of topics in business process management in academia and industry, we present the findings from a computational literature analysis. For this purpose, we revert to the full texts and metadata of the proceedings of the International Conference on Business Process Management and its workshops as a sample. In addition, the data has been enriched with data on the academic or industrial provenance of the authors. For identifying the most important topics in business process management, we performed a content-based analysis of over 1,200 papers using Latent Dirichlet Allocation. This analysis gives insights into the development of topics over time and identifies recently emerging topics.
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    Nested Configurations of Interorganizational Information Systems: Observations in the German Furniture Industry
    (2022-01-04) Frick, Norbert
    Interorganizational information systems (IOIS) support inter-company processes in the German furniture industry for more than 25 years. Still, there are deficiencies in process integration and differences in IOIS infrastructures. New market participants struggle to adopt the right IOIS for their purposes. Current adoption models lack to understand and manage IOIS adoption on an industry level. Lyytinen and Damsgaard's configurational analysis for IOIS adoption considers enterprise networks as configurations of interorganizational integration that correspond to a stable pattern of cooperation forms. The configuration analysis is applied in the German furniture industry to identify and explain factors that influence an IOIS adoption decision and constitute stable IOIS configurations. Data collection in two industry segments shows four configuration types in 17 configurations characterized by 39 influencing factors. New market participants must consider the adoption of several IOIS at once in so-called nested configurations to gain access to all relevant exchange relations.
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    Design Principles for Machine Learning Marketplaces in Enterprise Systems
    (2022-01-04) Hütsch, Marek; Wulfert, Tobias
    While standardized enterprise systems (ES) have become widely accepted, this is not the case for machine learning (ML) implementations, which are mostly developed individually in company-specific projects. Necessary historical data and rare ML capabilities result in a low cross-market ML utilization. To overcome the high usage barriers of ML, it should be incorporated into ES in a standardized manner. Therefore, we propose to implement an ML marketplace. While marketplaces in ES already exist, this paper proposes a marketplace dedicated to the exchange of ML models in a federated learning approach. Accordingly, this work formulates four meta-requirements based on interviews, which are structured by marketplace governance dimensions. With these meta-requirements, an ML marketplace was implemented in a design science research project, from which eight design principles are derived. The design principles address governance dimensions for making ML accessible to many companies and allow them to integrate ML into existing ES.
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    Designing Informal EAM Interventions – A Complementary Approach for Managing Enterprise Architecture Complexity
    (2022-01-04) Winter, Robert
    Although Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) is a mature discipline and widely adopted in practice, surveys indicate effectivity barriers that, at least partially, appear to be a consequence of local decision makers’ non-compliance with enterprise-wide architectural guidelines. Several recent contributions aim at extending the portfolio of EAM interventions by applying informal control mechanisms. Although promising to extend EAM effectivity, informal interventions are apparently not much utilized in EAM practice. Based on the assumption that a comprehensive presentation of design knowledge for informal EAM interventions would support more widespread adoption, this paper integrates existing knowledge components to a coherent design approach. The proposal covers theoretical justification, conceptual foundations, a taxonomy of generic informal interventions, a catalogue of derived EAM intervention types, and a process to systematically instantiate and evaluate situation-specific informal interventions. Two Action Design Research projects in large companies are summarized as evaluative evidence for the potential that comprehensive informal intervention design has for improving EAM effectivity.
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    A Taxonomy of Challenges for Cloud ERP Systems Implementation
    (2022-01-04) Huang, Qian; Oliver, Gillian; Rahim, Mahbubur; Anwar, Misita
    Though success stories of Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning systems (Cloud ERP) are frequently published, the failure rate of Cloud ERP is relatively less reported and discussed. Implementing Cloud ERP systems is not always easy, and at times very challenging. Hence, client organizations and vendors should be aware of challenges to help ensure successful implementation of Cloud ERP systems. The aim of this study is to develop a taxonomy of Cloud ERP implementation challenges. A set of thirty-one challenges was identified from a systematic literature review, and were then categorized by following the taxonomy development process proposed by Nickerson et al. (2013). The taxonomy consists of two dimensions: type of challenges and locus of challenges. Our proposed taxonomy has implications for providing a springboard for further theory development in the Cloud ERP domain
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    Introduction to the Minitrack on Towards the Future of Enterprise Systems
    (2022-01-04) Bender, Benedict; Gronau, Norbert