Curriculum Studies Plan B Projects - 2009

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These Plan B Projects were selected from a number of Plan B's submitted in the past few years. These Plan B projects include a variety of topic areas, subject matter and approaches to conducting research and curriculum development. Many of them were recommended by their advisors as exemplary papers. The Plan B’s include examples of classroom action research, qualitative research, and curriculum development projects. It should be noted that not every example is considered exemplary in all areas, e.g. organization, quality of the writing (punctuation, spelling, grammar, APA) or research methodology. However, each one can provide helpful ideas regarding topic selection, format, organization, how to write a literature review, or design a research project.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
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    Book Talks: Conversations in a First Grade Classroom
    (2009-05-01) Edamura, Helen; Grace, Donna
    This year long study explores the impact of specific teaching strategies, using book talks and literature circles, on the development of conversational skills and behaviors with first grade students. This study includes a solid methods and data analysis section.
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    Improving ELL Services for K-8 Students
    (2011-05-01) Anthony, Tim; Christopher, Doris
    In this study, a teacher researcher examines his experiences administering and teaching in an English Language Learners (ELL) program. This study looks at both the program as a whole, as well as takes an in-depth look at four non-English proficient students. The study addresses the following research questions: What factors do new incoming ELL coordinators believe affect student learning? What factors do mainstream teachers of ELLs say affect student learning?