Dark Sides of Information Technology Use

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    The Good, the Bad, and the Missing: Topic Modeling Analysis of User Feedback on Digital Wellbeing Features
    ( 2022-01-04) Santiago Walser, Renata ; De Jong, Alexander ; Remus, Ulrich
    Digital wellbeing features could potentially help users mitigate unintended effects of IT use such as smartphone addiction. However, knowledge about users’ perceptions of such features is still scarce. To bridge this gap, we applied structural topic modeling to analyze user reviews of 93 digital wellbeing apps from the Google Play Store. Our findings revealed three promising research areas: (1) mitigation mechanisms associated with self-monitoring, goal advancement, and change UI features, (2) the relationship between restrictiveness of block features, user characteristics, and addiction levels, and (3) the association of gamification with other features to promote behavior change. We also highlight the advantages of using structural topic modeling to analyze a large body of app reviews. Finally, we provide developers of digital wellbeing apps with feature requests extracted from the reviews.
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    Potentials and Limitations of Computer-Mediated Communication Theories for Online Incivility Research: A Focus on Bystander Dynamics
    ( 2022-01-04) Kim, Yeweon
    This paper provides a comprehensive review of the five major theories of computer-mediated communication (CMC) in order to explore how each theory can illuminate the processes and effects of contemporary online incivility phenomena on bystanders. These theories include: social presence theory, reduced social cues perspective, social identity model of deindividuation effects, social information processing theory, and hyperpersonal model of CMC. Of these five, this paper gives the most discussion to the first three theories that offer relatively more useful explanations of uncivil and antisocial behaviors in CMC, in terms of contributions of limited nonverbal social cues, and then explicates them with respect to the dynamics of online bystanders witnessing those problematic behaviors. This paper also examines, albeit relatively briefly, why the other theories are less useful but still have potentials for researching online bystanders. Further considerations needed to develop each theory and future research are discussed in the conclusion.
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    Physician Burnout: A Technology-based Reification of Competing Logics View
    ( 2022-01-04) Singh, Rajendra ; Anderson, Chad ; Miranda, Shaila
    Physician burnout has become a major concern for healthcare organizations and society as the increasing use of technology along with other changes have dramatically altered healthcare delivery in recent years. While prior research on burnout has offered explanations of a “dark side” of technology, it has not sufficiently captured the complexity of the institutional context in healthcare. To address this research gap, we develop a theoretical framework of physician burnout that considers both institutional issues and job demands/resources related to healthcare delivery. Drawing on the institutional logics literature, we identify four competing logics that shape physician responses to day-to-day interactions with technology and institutional issues. We contribute to IS literature by theorizing that when technology reifies competing logics, the technology—which was intended to be a job resource—becomes a source of increasing job demands while simultaneously reducing worker autonomy that could have buffered the impact of those increasing demands.
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    Does Technology Matter? How Digital Self-Efficacy Affects the Relationship between ICT Exposure and Job Dissatisfaction
    ( 2022-01-04) Busse, Julian ; Busse, Robin ; Schumann, Matthias
    Despite multiple potentials of information and communication technologies (ICT), their increasing diffusion at today’s workplaces may lead to psychological issues for employees, unveiling a dark side of ICT use. Our study aims to examine the association between work related ICT exposure (i.e. ICT use and digital work intensification) and job dissatisfaction. We further look at the role of digital self efficacy as a moderator of the effect of digital work intensification. Cross sectional data from a nationally representative study of 1,145 employees were used in multiple regression analysis. Our results show that higher levels of digital work intensification are associated with higher levels of job dissatisfaction. Further, digital self efficacy buffers the effect of digital work intensification on job dissatisfaction. Thus, our findings imply that fostering employees’ confidence in their abilities in dealing with the challenges of digitalization promotes employees’ job satisfaction and coping with the negative effects of work-related ICT exposure.
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    Introduction to the Minitrack on Dark Sides of Information Technology Use
    ( 2022-01-04) Turel, Ofir ; Qahri-Saremi, Hamed ; Vaghefi, Isaac