The Diffusion, Impacts, Adoption and Usage of ICTs upon Society and Small Enterprises

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    The Antecedents and Consequences of Legitimate Corporate Participation in the DarkNet: A Preliminary Model
    (2021-01-05) Kenny, David; Fox, Grace; Sinclair, Gary; Lynn, Theo
    The DarkNet is a purposefully hidden collection of disconnected web sites that are not indexed by conventional or mainstream search engines, are not accessible by conventional means, and requires specialised software, specific knowledge, and authorisation to gain access. While typically associated with illegality and criminality, there are an increasing number of legitimate organizations active on the DarkNet. While explored widely in Computer Science, Humanities and Social Science, Engineering and Medicine, there is a paucity of research in the business and IS disciplines. The objective of this paper is to introduce the DarkNet and DarkNet Commerce, summarise extant business and IS research, albeit limited, and outline a proposed model to explore a previously unexplored relationship in the business and IS literature, namely the antecedents and consequences of the participation of legitimate organisations on the DarkNet.
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    Shifting Micro-Enterprises into the Cloud: Guidelines for Cloud Service Providers
    (2021-01-05) Hentschel, Raoul; Bley, Katja; Schön, Hendrik
    Cloud computing is a driving force in digitalization, and it promises companies benefits such as lower entry costs, greater flexibility/scalability, and cost savings compared to traditional IT solutions. Such benefits can also be valuable for micro-enterprises. However, many of these small businesses do not have access to the necessary know-how and resources to select, implement, and operate cloud technologies. As sources of these technologies, cloud service providers play a crucial role in this context as it is their business strategy that can support and convince micro-enterprises to adopt cloud technologies. As the class of micro-enterprises and the role of cloud service providers has been largely ignored in recent research, we conducted a quantitative study on the cloud computing user behavior of micro-enterprises in Germany. Based on our findings, we derived guidelines and recommendations for cloud service providers concerning the adaptation of their business strategies to adequately address the needs of micro-enterprises.
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    Pressuring trading partners to adopt a business-to-business connectivity platform – stick or carrot?
    (2021-01-05) Penttinen, Esko; Rinta-Kahila, Tapani; Sihvonen, Jukka
    The paper examines the impact of external pressure in the act of onboarding trading partners to business-to-business (B2B) connectivity platforms. Articulating different forms of external pressure (enticement and enforcement) and drawing on a survey of 121 organizations, it examines the effect of three enticement factors and three enforcement factors on firms’ decision to adopt a B2B connectivity platform. In general, enforcement measures (“sticks”) were found to be more effective than enticement (“carrots”). Two exceptions are presented: enticement works better than enforcement in persuading organizations with high invoicing intensity or heavy use of cloud technologies. The authors discuss the overall finding and theorize in light of the empirical study’s context, wherein the platform generates asymmetric benefits to the trading partners (i.e., an organization receiving the transaction document delivered through the B2B connectivity platform harnesses most of the benefits). The findings’ implications for research and practice are considered.
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    Older Professionals’ Adaptation to New Information Technologies: A Study in the Context of Non-Standard Employment
    (2021-01-05) Niesel, Christoph; Nili, Alireza
    Modern workplaces are increasingly reliant on information technologies (IT), which have begun to profoundly affect the technological adaptation behaviors of older workers. Despite globally increasing levels of professional older adult workforce participation and workplace technology use, research in this space is only emerging, particularly in the context of non-standard employment (NSE), work falling outside traditional labor agreements, increasingly adopted by older workers. Using the Self Determination Theory, this qualitative work aims to understand the factors that contribute to professional older workers adaptation to new ITs in NSE. We propose a theoretical framework to explain our findings, suggesting that older professionals’ adaptation to new ITs in NSE are motivated by competence, relatedness and autonomy and moderated by perceived occupational value, IT support, IT-based frustration and generational differences. Our findings offer a comprehensive understanding of motivational dynamics in our research phenomena.
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    Mindful Adaptation of Technology (MAT) in Extreme Research Contexts: A Theoretical Proposal
    (2021-01-05) Matthews, Michael; Sun, Heshan
    With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, information system researchers have begun to explore ways in which information technology artifacts have meaning within the context of this seismic event. Within this manuscript, we develop a new concept, namely: mindful adaptation of technology (MAT), and build a research model of it, based on event systems theory, coping theory, and mindfulness research. We theoretically position this multi-faceted construct of MAT within existing models and demonstrate its novelty and utility for understanding technological adaptation in response to extreme research contexts. We conclude with theoretical implications and direction for future research.
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    Exploring the Structural Conditions Shaping Business-to-Consumer Electronic Commerce
    (2021-01-05) Cohen, Jason
    This study investigated fifteen structural factors influencing B2C e-commerce penetration across country contexts. Data collected from secondary sources on a sample of 20 countries showed that e-commerce penetration depends on a country’s network readiness, institutional structures such as ICT laws, supply side labour skills, credit card penetration, per capita GDP and proportion of citizens online. Factors related to a country’s transportation infrastructure, its capacity for technological achievement and its degree of economic freedom are also of significance. The index of structural factors collectively accounts for approximately 76% of the observed variance in e-commerce penetration measured as the ratio of online shoppers to total internet users, and 80% of the observed variance in e-commerce penetration measured as share of total retail sales. The index provides a basis for ongoing analysis of e-commerce and its potential for growth. Results also have important policy implications.
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    Examining the Role of Trust and Risk in the Software-as-a-Service Adoption Decision
    (2021-01-05) Kuciapski, Michał; Lustofin, Paweł; Soja, Piotr
    The current study investigates the role of risk and trust in the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) adoption decision. Drawing from the Web-Trust Model and Institutional Isomorphism Theory, the study proposes a multi-layered model explaining antecedents of the propensity to adopt SaaS. The model is next verified drawing from the opinions of 154 Polish IT practitioners with the Partial Least Squares (PLS) research approach. The results obtained in PLS analysis illustrate that both risk and trust directly influence the decision to adopt SaaS. However, the role of trust turned out more pronounced as trust also influences the decision to adopt SaaS indirectly through risk and, unlike risk, is also influenced by professional influence and external pressure. The findings also reveal varied importance of different types of risk for the SaaS adoption decision. In doing so, the results highlight the paramount importance of operational risk and low significance of economic and legal risk.
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    Critical Success Factors Affecting Implementation of Cloud ERP Systems: A Systematic Literature Review with Future Research Possibilities
    (2021-01-05) Huang, Qian; Rahim, Mahbubur; Foster, Susan; Anwar, Misita
    The implementation of Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning systems (Cloud ERP) is always challenging, which requires a variety of risks to be taken into consideration to ensure the success of the implementation. The assessment of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in on-premise ERP implementations has been well documented but this research has not carried through to Cloud ERP implementations. Therefore, the contribution of this paper is to provide research and practice with identification and analysis of 35 CSFs through a systematic literature review. Drawing from the literature, we found security, project management, and communication are the top three widely cited CSFs during implementation. We also identify critical gaps in current research, such as inconclusiveness of findings related to CSFs and a lack of discussion on the nature of criticality of those CSFs. Furthermore, the attributes of CSFs are investigated in order to explore CSFs in a more logical and systematical way.