Value, Success, and Performance Measurements of Knowledge, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Systems

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    The Limits of Open Innovation: A Literature Review and Research Agenda
    (2022-01-04) Su, Nan; Mcguckin, Summer; Abhari, Kaveh
    Open Innovation (OI) has become a popular method of value co-creation over the past two decades. While OI offers many benefits, it holds a high failure rate. Through a systematic literature review, this paper identifies 15 common limitations of OI that contribute to this high failure rate at three levels: organizational, operational, and individual. Accounting for these limitations and their relationships, we develop a framework for OI's critical success factors. This paper also offers an agenda for future research and makes contributions toward understanding OI systems and their governance from a practical standpoint.
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    Scientific Approaches and Methodology to Determine the Value of Data as an Asset and Use Case in the Automotive Industry
    (2022-01-04) Bodendorf, Frank; Dehmel, Klaus; Franke, Joerg
    From a theoretical perspective data does not constitute a traditional business asset. Existing valuation approaches are either sector specific or still unexplored. In modern businesses the value-adding use and monetization of existing “big data” represents one of the greatest potentials in the context of digital transformation. This paper aims at reviewing methods and developing an integrated methodology for the value determination of data in general and for use in the manufacturing industry in particular. Therefore, the general state of research in data value assessment is investigated by a broad literature analysis. Based on the identified general principles, methodological requirements for data value determination are compiled. A new methodology for data evaluation is developed and applied to four use cases coming from the automotive industry. The results show that the methodology can be used in different contexts and thus enables managers to explore the most promising use cases for data-driven business.
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    Diversity management in organizations – the measuring of the benefits: Visegrad Group (V4) countries perspective
    (2022-01-04) Gross-Gołacka, Elwira; Kusterka-Jefmańska, Marta; Jefmański, Bartłomiej; Kupczyk, Teresa; Warwas, Izabela
    Popularization of the diversity management concept and its practical implementation at the level of organizations requires becoming organization owners aware of potential benefits. Therefore, the article presents the survey results of the organization representatives on the benefits of implementing the diversity management concept. The analytical part of the article is based on the survey results of 401 representatives of the organizations located in the Visegrad Group countries. The managing diversity concept knowledge and awareness of the resulting benefits were analyzed at the level of the whole group as well as in the cross-section of the member countries. In the analytical part of the article, selected modified multi-criteria decision making methods for ordinal data were used. Adopting the analytical approach also allowed to indicate the most important benefits that, in the opinion of the organization representatives, are the consequence of the diversity management concept implementation.