Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies

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    Privacy as Contextual Integrity in Online Proctoring Systems in Higher Education: A Scoping Review
    (2023-01-03) Mutimukwe, Chantal; Han, Shengnan; Viberg, Olga; Cerratto-Pargman, Teresa
    Privacy is one of the key challenges to the adoption and implementation of online proctoring systems (OPS) in higher education. To better understand this challenge, we adopt privacy as contextual integrity theory to conduct a scoping review of 17 papers. The results show different types of students’ personal and sensitive information are collected and disseminated; this raises considerable privacy concerns. As well as the governing principles including transparency and fairness, consent and choice, information minimization, accountability, and information security and accuracy have been identified to address privacy problems. This study notifies a need to clarify how these principles should be implemented and sustained, and what privacy concerns and actors they relate to. Further, it calls for the need to clarify the responsibility of key actors in enacting and sustaining responsible adoption and use of OPS in higher education.
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    Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities of Hybrid Education with Location Asynchrony
    (2023-01-03) Mayer, Selina
    The Covid-19 pandemic has severely disrupted traditional on-site education. One currently deployed alternative are hybrid education formats, which combine online and on-site elements. To successfully orchestrate these formats, educators and educational institutions need to understand the challenges and opportunities hybrid education can pose to both students and educators. This is especially true when hybrid education allows for asynchrony of the learning location, e.g. allowing students to choose whether they attend online or on-site. This understanding is central, as previous research demonstrates the importance of believes and attitudes for educational performance. To understand these challenges and opportunities, we deployed a qualitative research design and identified three challenges and three opportunities of hybrid education allowing location asynchrony. We discuss these findings and highlight three larger underlying themes (balancing flexibility with complexity, the challenge of interpersonal connectedness in highly diverse settings, and digital proficiency), including sometimes opposing perspectives of students and educators.
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    Introduction to the Minitrack on Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies
    (2023-01-03) Scrivner, Olga; De Laat, Maarten; Nguyen, Andy; Scrivner, James
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    An Enhanced Screenshot Interaction with Animated Stickers to Promote Learning Transfer
    (2023-01-03) Huang, Travis; Wang, Yi-Ting; Lin, Kuan-Yu; Liao, Yung-Hao
    This study has implemented a platform, namely, rolling out a redesign of user interaction with screenshot. It is an excellent environment for students’ collaborative learning, as students upload screenshots and interact with each other to complete assignments by using animated stickers. As the study intended to investigate how to promote learning transfer by means of such enhanced screenshot interaction with animated stickers, task difficulty, online participation, and learning transfer were chosen as the basis for the research model. By applying the technology acceptance model, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and behavioral intention were included. The results indicated that students’ perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness are likely to significantly affect their behavioral intention, which in turn promote learning transfer. An implication is that students’ learning transfer could be prompted greatly by enhancing their intention to use such platform that provides enhanced screenshot interaction with animated stickers.
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    To What Extent Can Individualisation in Terms of Different Types of Mode Improve Learning Outcomes and Learner Satisfaction? A Pre-study
    (2023-01-03) Gonnermann, Jana; Brandenburger, Bonny; Vladova, Gergana; Gronau, Norbert
    With the latest technological developments and associated new possibilities in teaching, the personalisation of learning is gaining more and more importance. It assumes that individual learning experiences and results could generally be improved when personal learning preferences are considered. To do justice to the complexity of the personalisation possibilities of teaching and learning processes, we illustrate the components of learning and teaching in the digital environment and their interdependencies in an initial model. Furthermore, in a pre-study, we investigate the relationships between the learner's ability to (digital) self-organise, the learner’s prior- knowledge learning in different variants of mode and learning outcomes as one part of this model. With this pre-study, we are taking the first step towards a holistic model of teaching and learning in digital environments.
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    “At best, the students have themselves lead the discussion” - University Teachers’ Experiences of Flipped Teaching
    (2023-01-03) Karppinen, Pasi; Niemitalo-Haapola, Elina; Sandbacka, Kasimir
    This study examines the University of Oulu, Finland teaching staff’s experiences of flipped teaching. Flipped teaching transposes the locations so that students watch recorded lectures or read and view other materials on their own time and participate in learning activities in the classroom. Flipped teaching facilitates communal learning, which enables students to support each other and benefit from interaction with the teacher. However, there is little research about flipped teaching from the perspective of teachers in higher education. In this study, most teachers reported positive experiences of the method, particularly regarding the interaction between teachers and students. Teachers require both pedagogical and technological support as well as a sufficient allocation of time to course design, particularly in the beginning stages of implementation. To ensure the successful implementation of flipped teaching, it is important to monitor the pre-class activities of students to ensure they are studying the materials provided.
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    Sociability and Technostress in Online Classes: The Effects on Students’ Emotional Exhaustion During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    (2023-01-03) Stoeckl, Franziska; Eckhardt, Andreas
    The move to online classes due to the COVID-19 pandemic has led students in high schools to experience new issues because of their constant use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). One of the consequences of constant ICT use is emotional exhaustion, which is raised or limited by different factors. Sociability is one of the factors that might decrease emotional exhaustion in students during online classes, while technostress could further it. Moreover, technostress creators could act as moderators on the effect of sociability on emotional exhaustion. These effects are tested with the help of a study with 592 participants, discovering that the sociability in online classes has an effect on how emotionally exhausted the students are. The antecedent technostress also has an effect on emotional exhaustion, thus furthering it. This paper contributes to the information systems (IS) literature by showing how students are affected by constant ICT use.
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    Revealing the Hidden Structure of Affective States During Emotion Regulation in Synchronous Online Collaborative Learning
    (2023-01-03) Dang, Belle; Nguyen, Andy; Hong, Yvonne; Nguyen, Bich-Phuong Thi; Tran, Bao-Nhi Dang
    This study aims to explore the use of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) to reveal learners' emotion regulation. In particular, this study attempts to discover the hidden structure of affective states associated with facial expression during challenges, interactions, and strategies for emotion regulation in the context of synchronous online collaborative learning. The participants consist of 18 higher education students (N=18) who collaboratively worked in groups. The Hidden Markov Model (HMM) results indicated interesting transition patterns of latent state of emotion and provided insights into how learners engage in the emotion regulation process. This study demonstrates a new opportunity for theoretical and methodology advancement in the exploration of AI in researching socially shared regulation in collaborative learning.
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    Nudging Digital Learning – An Experimental Analysis of Social Nudges to Manage Self-Regulated Learning and Online Learning Success
    (2023-01-03) Schlegel, Laura; Schöbel, Sofia; Söllner, Matthias
    Self-regulated learning competencies are of increasing importance to ensure learning success in online learning environments. We investigate the use of digital social nudges in a self-reliant online learning situation to support learners in better managing their self-regulated learning behaviors. We ground our research on dual-process theory and social comparison theory to design social nudges. To evaluate our research model, we conduct an online experiment (N=226). The results show that social nudges positively impact learning outcomes mediated by self-regulated learning behaviors manifested using learning strategies. We found that positive emotions can further strengthen the positive effect of social nudges. Our results help to understand how social nudges can be efficiently used in online learning environments to support learners in better managing their learning processes and achieving learning outcomes. We open new chances for researchers and designers of online learning materials to support online learning processes.
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    Collaborative Work Practices for Management Education: Using Collaboration Engineering to Design a Reusable and Scalable Collaborative Learning Instructional Design
    (2023-01-03) Oeste-Reiß, Sarah; Söllner, Matthias; Leimeister, Jan
    Pandemics like COVID-19 highlight the needs and pitfalls of inclusive and equitable education in a digital society. IT-based instructional designs are needed to increase learners’ expertise, and to develop higher-order thinking skills. Instructional designs for collaborative learning (CL) seem to be a promising solution. However, they are mostly suitable for face-to-face and not for distance teaching. The core problem that impedes their reusability and scalability is a ‘collaboration problem’ for which collaboration engineering (CE) provides guidance. Therefore, we deploy a design science research study and contribute to CL and CE literature. We develop requirements and provide the design of an IT-based collaborative work practice fostering CL. We provide empirical evidence with an online experiment in a large-scale lecture with undergraduate business information students. This reveals that groups of learners who followed our CL experience achieve higher levels of expertise than those who followed a traditional ad hoc CL experience.