Serious Games, Gamification, and Innovation Minitrack
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Serious Games are often considered to be technological applications that use games to engage individuals in an experience through which a learning or professional training aim can be explored. Serious Games use computer-mediated environments to facilitate experiential learning by simulating a real life business environment, enabling participants to explore the complexities of a business problem, including the emotional challenges. A benefit is that the learner has the opportunity to explore the dynamics of a business experience without the real life business and career consequences that may flow from failure. This provides learners with a ‘safe’ environment in which to explore the casual links between action and outcomes that can assist in the process of converting conceptual learning into application. To address these challenges and opportunities, this minitrack invites theoretical and empirical research that investigates how individuals, teams and organizations use serious games, gaming and gamification to simulate processes, solve problems, make decisions, create, innovate, learn, and create value.
This proposed minitrack aims to consolidate research on the art and science of Serious Games amongst the management and education research science community. It focuses on:
- Theoretical foundations and practical approaches to understand, model, and design Serious Games
- The use of Serious Games to learn, to collaborate, to train, and to innovate, and to co-create organizational and individual value
- The impact of Serious Games characteristics on individual and team behavior
- Methods, techniques, patterns, and best practices to support the adoption, the change management of Serious Games
- The design, application, and evaluation of Serious Games
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Imed Boughzala (Primary Contact)
Telecom Ecole de Management Institut Mines-Telecom, France
Hélène Michel
Grenoble Ecole de Management, France