Holistic Dwelling: Integrating Biophilic Design, Environmental Psychology and Feng Shui














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Holistic Dwelling endeavors to explore different design methods to create a more conscientious approach to designing homes. The three approaches that are being utilized are environmental psychology, feng shui, and biophilic design. The study of these diverse methods gives a more extensive look at the concept of home, what has not previously been investigated. In this document each of these methods is examined, starting by looking at how the methods were developed over time. Theories, schools of thought, and popular studies, schools explored to fully understand each method. Beyond this background information, there are specific attributes from each method that are significant towards the design of a residence. At this point the methods interact with each other and how they overlap to agree on certain elements. The final portion of the Doctor of Architecture project is a design of a house that takes what has been discovered and tests it in a practical setting. The research does not support a total overlap that was initially hypothesized. However, for most attributes, there are at least two methods with recommendations, and at least one element within the attributes that two methods both agree upon as being beneficial. This comes from the different approaches and foci of environmental psychology, feng shui, and biophilic design. In architecture, the future inhabitants are important in the design process. To consider this aspect, a design project takes a practical took at the research. A small family volunteered to act as a client looking for a new single family residence on Peacham Pond in Vermont. Through a series of meetings, the client explained what they needed in the home and narrowed down specifically what layout they were interested in. The final design takes the attributes from the research and marries it with the input of the client. Beyond the building, the site and landscaping is taken into consideration since a common theme throughout biophilic design, environmental psychology and feng shui. The design is extensively analyzed against the attributes of the home identified in the research portion. The overarching objective of this document is to find a technique of designing homes that are more attuned to the well-being of the client. Since this is the environment where people consistently spend the most of their time, it needs take specific needs of individual clients into consideration. This document introduces a framework that aids in this process.





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