Enterprise Blockchains

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    Yes, I Do: Marrying Blockchain Applications with GDPR
    (2022-01-04) Schellinger, Benjamin; Völter, Fabiane; Urbach, Nils; Sedlmeir, Johannes
    Due to blockchains’ intrinsic transparency and immutability, blockchain-based applications are challenged by privacy regulations, such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation. Hence, scaling blockchain use cases to production often fails to owe to a lack of compliance with legal constraints. As current research mainly focuses on specific use cases, we aim to offer comprehensive guidance regarding the development of blockchain solutions that comply with privacy regulations. Following the action design research method, we contribute a generic framework and design principles to the research domain. In this context, we also emphasize the need for distinguishing between applications based on blockchains’ data integrity and computational integrity guarantees.
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    With or Without Blockchain? Towards a Decentralized, SSI-based eRoaming Architecture
    (2022-01-04) Hoess, Alexandra; Roth, Tamara; Sedlmeir, Johannes; Fridgen, Gilbert; Rieger, Alexander
    Fragmentation and limited accessibility of charging infrastructure impede the adoption of electric vehicles. To improve the availability of charging infrastructure independent of providers, eRoaming offers a promising solution. Yet, current eRoaming systems are typically centralized, which raises concerns of market power concentration. While the use of blockchain technology can obviate such concerns, it comes with significant privacy challenges. To address these challenges, we explore a combination of blockchain with self-sovereign identity. Specifically, we apply a design science research approach, which helps us to identify requirements, derive a conceptual architecture, and deduce design principles for decentralized eRoaming and beyond. We find that blockchain may best leverage its benefits when it takes a backseat as a public registry for legal entities. Moreover, we find that the use of self-sovereign identities could improve compliance with privacy regulations, but they should not be overused.
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    Mine, Yours, … Ours? Managing Stakeholder Conflicts in an Enterprise Blockchain Consortium
    (2022-01-04) Ziolkowski, Rafael; Schwabe, Gerhard
    When major corporations build and manage own platforms, most of the conflicts are resolved internally. With the rise of blockchain systems, also blockchain-based platforms are increasingly tried out, which are governed in a decentralized fashion. But moving from hierarchical efficiency to a democratic inclusiveness, in which blockchain proponents believe, is difficult: the variety of included actors raise a variety of conflicts, when platform users become platform complementors or even owners. To manage these conflicts, it is necessary to analyze each actor in detail. This paper reflects on the developments within an ongoing enterprise blockchain consortium in a small European country in the automotive domain from a governance perspective. We portray the consortium’s stakeholder conflicts, propose solutions for these conflicts and relate them to literature on blockchain governance. Our findings contextualize several theoretical stances, emphasizing the importance of the organizational over the technological embedment in blockchain governance.
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    Meta-View of Blockchain Technology Tensions in Organizational Implementation and Use
    (2022-01-04) Ostern, Nadine; Perscheid, Guido
    Blockchain inherits tensions that depend on its infrastructure design as well as distinctive features of, among others, smart contracts and storage mechanisms. Studies propose coping strategies for companies that deal with blockchain-related tensions, but so far suggestions are characterized by context- and case-specificity. This paper proposes a meta-view on tensions arising from the implementation and usage of blockchain in organizational contexts. A structured literature review is conducted to condense existing insights from the literature to a meta-view on blockchain-related tension. A framework provides insights into different types of tensions. The framework has two aims: (1) providing a foundation to jointly build insights and IS theorization on blockchain tensions without being case- and context-sensitive. (2), it provides food for thought for companies that want to implement or use blockchain, which serves as first step toward developing recommendations that guide companies through identifying and managing tensions arising from blockchain implementation and usage.
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    Comparing Successful DLT Consortia: A Lifecycle Perspective
    (2022-01-04) Putz, Benedikt; Pernul, Günther
    In 2021, enterprise distributed ledger technology has evolved beyond the proof-of-concept stage. It is now providing business value to large consortia in several successful and well documented case studies. Nevertheless, other consortia and initiatives are stuck in early stages of consortium formation or conceptualization. They stand to benefit from lessons learned by successful consortia, but an in-depth comparison has not yet been conducted. Thus, this study performs the first methodological comparison of large DLT consortia that have launched a product. Based on the temporal evolution of these consortia, a lifecycle with 4 stages and 12 sub-phases is developed to provide further guidance for early-stage consortia. The results show how 9 pioneer consortia have successfully integrated novel DLT into existing processes, but also point out challenges faced on the way.
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    A Modeling Approach for Blockchain-inspired Business Models: An Extension of the e3 -Value Method
    (2022-01-04) Perrelet, Simon; Fill, Hans-Georg; Dibbern, Jens
    Blockchain enables new ways of organizing economic activities. Blockchain promises to reduce costs and time associated with intermediaries and strengthen trust in an ecosystem of actors. The impact of this promising technology is reflected in an emerging stream of research and various companies exploring the potential uses of blockchain technology and building new blockchain-inspired business models. While there are promising use cases of this new technology, research and practice are still in their early stages in terms of changing existing and creating new business models. We propose an extension of the e3 -value method to capture and represent the characteristics of blockchain-inspired business models. The approach is particularly useful for the value-based analysis of blockchain-inspired business models and the fundamental economic evaluation of these. It provides the foundation for capturing, communicating, innovating and experimenting with blockchain-inspired business models. We demonstrate the practicality of the extended e3 -value method by evaluating and applying it to an existing blockchain business model.
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    Introduction to the Minitrack on Enterprise Blockchains
    (2022-01-04) Zavolokina, Liudmila; Hein, Andreas; Schwabe, Gerhard; Krcmar, Helmut