Digital and Social Media in Enterprise

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    Understanding the Business Value of Social Information Systems – A Research Agenda
    (2020-01-07) Schmidt, Rainer; Kirchner, Kathrin; Razmerita, Liana
    The creation of value by social information systems has been confirmed by recent studies. However, few is known about the mechanisms that create value in so-cial information systems. Therefore, this article investi-gates how social information systems create value. We analyze which and how these value-creating interac-tions appear in different types of social information systems. Based on a literature review, we identify four emergent interactions in social information systems that create value: social production, co-creation, weak ties, and egalitarian decisions. Using our findings, we develop a research agenda to further explore the value creation mechanisms of social information systems.
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    Organizational Generativity, Social Media and the Co-creation of Nonprofit Services: A Sociomateriality Perspective
    (2020-01-07) Namisango, Fatuma; Kang, Kyeong; Rehman, Junaid
    This paper presents the relationship between organizational generativity, nonprofits' use of social media, and the co-creation of nonprofit services. While anchoring to the sociomaterialism perspective, we analyze social media interactions of nonprofits by identifying social media affordances and symbolic expressions. To explain the hypothesized relationships, we conduct a survey of nonprofits using social media to co-create services. We applied structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques to generate measurement models and test our hypotheses. Our findings indicate that organizational generativity is positively related to social media affordances for nonprofits, the symbolic expressions of social media to nonprofits and service co-creation. We generally observe that organizations have to build the capacity to operate in new ways as a means of exploring the opportunities and possibilities offered by social media as well as leveraging social media interactions for service co-creation.
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    Who is Influencing the #GDPR Discussion on Twitter: Implications for Public Relations
    (2020-01-07) Gruzd, Anatoliy; Abul-Fottouh, Deena; Mashatan, Atefeh
    On May 25, 2018, the European Union (EU) implemented the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to protect individuals’ privacy and data. This regulation has far-reaching implications as it applies to any organization that deals with data of EU residents. By studying the discussion about this regulation on Twitter, our goal is to examine public opinions and organizational public relations (PR) strategies about GDPR. The results show that the regulation is being actively discussed by a variety of stakeholders, but especially by cybersecurity and IT-related firms and consultants. At the same time, some of the stakeholders that were expected to have a more active role were less involved, including companies that store or process personal data, government and regulatory bodies, mainstream media, and academics. The results also show that the stakeholders mostly have one-way rather than two-way communication with their audiences, thus fulfilling the rhetorical than relational function of PR.
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    Monitoring and Understanding Enterprise Collaboration Platform Outcomes and Benefits Change
    (2020-01-07) Nitschke, Clara; Williams, Susan
    Enterprise collaboration platforms integrating traditional collaboration tools and enterprise social software are shaped and designed through use. To date, existing research has not studied in any depth how their outcomes and benefits change over time. In this paper, we develop the MoBeC framework for capturing and monitoring how outcomes and benefits of enterprise collaboration platforms are changing over time. The framework is applied in an empirical setting adopting a longitudinal case study design. The study findings contribute to the deeper understanding of the dynamic and evolving nature of such platforms.
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    Among Followers and Rebels: Professional Identity and Digitalization of Work
    (2020-01-07) Högberg, Karin; Willermark, Sara
    The digitalization of work practices has changed the conditions for many professions. In this study, we explore the relation between professional identity and digitalization in the workplace. We join the research stream within professional identity research that views identity as a narrative construction, a story that individuals tell themselves and others to tell who they are, in this case in relation to digitalization. The empirical data derive from two different contexts: Nordic primary school teachers and European hoteliers at an international hotel chain. In total, 72 interviews were conducted. The study contributes to existing literature by providing increased knowledge on digitalization of work practices by illustrating different approaches to digitalization of work that extend over a specific profession. Theoretical contributions involve suggesting four ideal types of categorization to explain the approach to digitalization in professional life.
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    Control vs Content: A Systematic Review of the Social Media Research Literature
    (2020-01-07) Almazyad, Fadi; Loiacono, Eleanor
    The rapid advancement of web 2.0 applications paved the way for the development of social media applications and the many features of these applications enable them to attract millions of users. Social media platforms have altered how people interact with the world and one another. Researchers in the field of Information Systems have investigated social media platforms and technologies extensively. Despite the growing number of studies on social media, however, the area remains under examined. Given the pace and consistency of innovation in this field, identifying directions for future studies of social media-related phenomena requires a careful review of the related research completed to date.
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    Introduction to the Minitrack on Digital and Social Media in Enterprise
    (2020-01-07) Wang, Tawei; Gonzalez, Ester; Deng, Xuefei