Lyonia Occasional Papers

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Lyonia is an electronic, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal devoted to the fast dissemination of current ecological research and its application in conservation, management, sustainable development and environmental education. Manuscript submission, peer-review and publication are entirely handled electronically. As articles are accepted they are automatically published as "volume in progress" and immediately available on the web. Every six months a Volume-in-Progress is declared a Published Volume and subscribers receive the table of Contents via e-mail.

Lyonia seeks articles from a wide field of disciplines (ecology, biology, anthropology, economics, law etc.) concerned with ecology, conservation, management, sustainable development and education in mountain and island environments with particular emphasis on mountain forest of tropical regions.

In its research section Lyonia publishes peer-reviewed scientific papers that report original research on ecology, conservation and management, and particularly invites contributions that show new methodologies employing interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches. The sustainable development and environmental education section contains reports on these activities.


Christopher P. Dunn, PhD Director, Harold L. Lyon Arboretum
3860 Manoa Road
Honolulu, HI 96822
Phone: 1 808.988.0457
FAX: 1 808.988.0462


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