Health Behavior Change Support Systems

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    Using Personality Traits and Chronotype to Support Personalization and Feedback in a Sleep Health Behavior Change Support System
    (2018-01-03) Nguyen, Holly; Ruiz, Carolina; Wilson, Vance; Strong, Diane; Djamasbi, Soussan
    This paper addresses the issue of sleep deprivation among college students by proposing an innovative approach to personalizing a behavior change support system (BCSS) implemented within a smartphone sleep app. The proposed app extension uses individual personality and chronotype characteristics to support personalized feedback to users about their sleep patterns. Users’ personality and chronotype are assessed using questionnaires, the results of which are used to personalize the content, timing and frequency of the app’s feedback, which is designed to encourage healthier sleep behaviors.
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    Understanding the Context for Health Behavior Change with Cognitive Work Analysis and Persuasive Design
    (2018-01-03) Burns, Catherine; Sadat Rezai, Leila; St. Maurice, Justin
    Cognitive Work Analysis (CWA) and Persuasive Design (PD) can be complementary approaches for designing behavior change systems. CWA can provide insights into persuasive context, identify ineffective behavior paths and suggest more effective behaviors. However, PD can contribute design ideas to create that behavior change. These methods, and how they can be used together, are discussed. The example of blood pressure management is used to show how new behavior change paths can be identified and encouraged.
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    Designing for Behavior Change - 6 Dimensions of Social Comparison Features
    (2018-01-03) Mylonopoulou, Vasiliki; Väyrynen, Karin; Isomursu, Minna
    Social comparison as an aspect of social influence has an effect on health behavior, and technology can be used to support desired behavior change. However, no concrete guidelines exist on how to design social comparison features. This paper examines how designers have actually designed social comparison in IT artifacts supporting individuals in a behavior change process. We apply qualitative evidence synthesis review method and analyze twelve studies reporting experiences of designing social comparison features. As a result, we present six design dimensions for social comparison features emerging from the literature, and several alternative design options for each dimension. The dimensions can be used as a guide for designers and as a repository for researchers to design and evaluate social comparison features for technologies targeting behavior change in different contexts.
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    Introduction to the Minitrack on Health Behavior Change Support Systems
    (2018-01-03) Win, Khin Than; Oinas-Kukkonen, Harri; iyengar, madurai