Series 1: Who Owns the Crown Lands?

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This series includes legal documents, research materials, relating to the book Who Owns the Crown Lands of Hawaiʻi by Jon Van Dyke? Documents include legal cases regarding Native Hawaiian rights (Akaka Bill, Apology Resolution, Barrett/Carroll, Blood Quantum, Arakaki et al v. Lingle et al, Arakaki v. Cayetano, Rice v. Cayetano, Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Hawaiian Constitution), land rights (Political Subdivisions, Ceded Lands, Traditional & Customary Rights, Hawaiian Home Lands, Heptachlor, water rights advocacy on Maui and Waiahole), political statuses (Overthrow, Annexation, Sovereignty, Independence, Free Associated States, U.S. Position(s) and Native Hawaiians, Constitutional Conventions [1950, 1998, 2008] and Statehood, organizations (Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Ka Paepae Aupuni Council).

In addition, there is information on ancient to contemporary Hawaiian history and identity. There are resources that reflect comparative research on histories, cases and sovereignties on Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians) and research on other indigenous groups such as Maori, Native Americans (Menominee, Native American History & Analogies), as well as through international law, South Pacific Forum and the Declaration of Rights of Indigenous People.


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