IT Adoption, Diffusion and Evaluation in Healthcare Minitrack
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This minitrack focuses on the role of adoption, implementation, diffusion, and evaluation factors and the interaction of these factors at various levels to healthcare system success. These successes or failures can be on individual, group, national and international level. Papers may explore these issues for any form of healthcare technology (for example telemedicine, PACS, electronic medical records, mobile health and on-line health).This track is open to all methodologies including, but not limited to case study (business/information systems oriented), survey, experimental design, workflow and other forms of business process modeling, interview, content analysis, conceptual papers, and the various forms of quantitative analysis. In addition, we welcome innovative research focused on adoption, implementation, use, and evaluation in Healthcare Work should be at a mature (data collected and some analysis performed), though not necessarily final stages. Completed, high quality research will receive special consideration. The best papers are often fast tracked to a journal and, for other high quality papers, special issues may be created.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Application of adoption, implementation, and diffusion theories, models, and constructs to the health care context
- Unified Technology Adoption & Use Theory (UTAUT) and Technology acceptance model
- Socio-technical system theory
- Social learning theory
- Information Systems Success models
- Theory of Planned Behavior
- Organizing Vision and organizational adoption models
- Information Assurance constructs of confidentiality, integrity, and availability IT
- Adoption at the individual, project, organizational, or system level
- Stakeholder analysis
- User characteristics
- Organizational or project structure and/or strategies
- Regional Healthcare Initiatives and Global development
- Interaction among individual, organizational, project, and/or system level
- Role/impact of regulatory structures
- Information Assurance constructs of confidentiality, integrity, and availability
- E-Health strategies
- IT Implementation
- Effective implementation strategies
- Electronic Medical Records and Personal Health Records
- Health IT project management
- Participation of professionals in e-health projects
- The influence of the local system
- Workflow analysis
- Information Assurance constructs of confidentiality, integrity, and availability
- IT Use
- Factors and models of continued use
- Human Computer Interaction
- Models to measure or predict Use of IT (USE IT or PRIMA)
- Emergence of standards and process controls
- E-Health and mobile health
- Meaningful Use
- IT Evaluation
- Evidence-based support of emerging healthcare technologies
- Measures for evaluating healthcare technologies
- Level of IT capabilities
- Health IS success factors
- Feasibility Analysis
- Allied Health Professions
- Business modeling and business cases
- Information Assurance constructs of confidentiality, integrity, and availability
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Ton Spil (Primary Contact)
University of Twente
Carla Wiggins
Weber State University
Leigh Cellucci
College of Allied Health Sciences
Arnold Kamis
Suffolk University