IT Adoption, Diffusion and Evaluation in Healthcare Minitrack

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This minitrack focuses on the role of adoption, implementation, diffusion, and evaluation factors and the interaction of these factors at various levels to healthcare system success. These successes or failures can be on individual, group, national and international level. Papers may explore these issues for any form of healthcare technology (for example telemedicine, PACS, electronic medical records, mobile health and on-line health).This track is open to all methodologies including, but not limited to case study (business/information systems oriented), survey, experimental design, workflow and other forms of business process modeling, interview, content analysis, conceptual papers, and the various forms of quantitative analysis. In addition, we welcome innovative research focused on adoption, implementation, use, and evaluation in Healthcare Work should be at a mature (data collected and some analysis performed), though not necessarily final stages. Completed, high quality research will receive special consideration. The best papers are often fast tracked to a journal and, for other high quality papers, special issues may be created.

Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Application of adoption, implementation, and diffusion theories, models, and constructs to the health care context
    • Unified Technology Adoption & Use Theory (UTAUT) and Technology acceptance model
    • Socio-technical system theory
    • Social learning theory
    • Information Systems Success models
    • Theory of Planned Behavior
    • Organizing Vision and organizational adoption models
    • Information Assurance constructs of confidentiality, integrity, and availability IT
  • Adoption at the individual, project, organizational, or system level
    • Stakeholder analysis
    • User characteristics
    • Organizational or project structure and/or strategies
    • Regional Healthcare Initiatives and Global development
    • Interaction among individual, organizational, project, and/or system level
    • Role/impact of regulatory structures
    • Information Assurance constructs of confidentiality, integrity, and availability
    • E-Health strategies
  • IT Implementation
    • Effective implementation strategies
    • Electronic Medical Records and Personal Health Records
    • Health IT project management
    • Participation of professionals in e-health projects
    • The influence of the local system
    • Workflow analysis
    • Information Assurance constructs of confidentiality, integrity, and availability
  • IT Use
    • Factors and models of continued use
    • Human Computer Interaction
    • Models to measure or predict Use of IT (USE IT or PRIMA)
    • Emergence of standards and process controls
    • E-Health and mobile health
    • Meaningful Use
  • IT Evaluation
    • Evidence-based support of emerging healthcare technologies
    • Measures for evaluating healthcare technologies
    • Level of IT capabilities
    • Health IS success factors
    • Feasibility Analysis
    • Allied Health Professions
    • Business modeling and business cases
    • Information Assurance constructs of confidentiality, integrity, and availability

Minitrack Co-Chairs:

Ton Spil (Primary Contact)
University of Twente

Carla Wiggins
Weber State University

Leigh Cellucci
College of Allied Health Sciences

Arnold Kamis
Suffolk University


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 10 of 12
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    User Perceptions and Expectations of the Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR): A Case Study of Australia’s e-health Solution
    (2017-01-04) Muhammed, Imran; Wickramasinghe, Nilmini
    The Australian government has invested heavily in the national e-health solution; namely, initially the PCEHR now MyHealth Record. A critical success factor is concerned with patients’ perceptions and expectations of this solution. Further, it is important to understand the effect of the MyHealth Record on the patient-provider relationship, quality of care, and user’s views toward data security and confidentiality. The primary goal of this paper is to shed light on users perceptions and expectations and thus to predict the sustainability of the MyHealth Record. This has important implications in general as all OECD countries transition to large scale e-health solutions.
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    Stakeholder Contradictions in Early Stages of eHealth Efforts
    (2017-01-04) Askedal, Kirsti; Skiftenes Flak, Leif
    Use of information and communication technology (ICT) in healthcare has increased substantially over the past decades. Implementation of ICT in municipal health services (eHealth) involves a variety of stakeholders, and may lead to changes in the roles of providers and patients. Coordination, communication, early identification and involvement of key stakeholders in eHealth projects have been highlighted as important. However, research often takes a narrow perspective and pays scant attention to conflicting drivers. This study used a qualitative approach to identify and investigate contradictory stakeholder interests in the early phase of a municipal eHealth project. Analysis using Stakeholder Theory (ST) and Dialectic Process Theory revealed two important contradictions; 1) effective service versus efficient service and 2) technology enthusiasm versus reluctance to change. The analysis illustrated the usefulness of combining these theories in eHealth efforts. Implications from our research suggest that stakeholder management should be considered to prevent conflicts in eHealth projects.
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    Sorting out EHR adoption and assimilation in the Meaningful Use incentive program in Hawaii
    (2017-01-04) Holden, Kelly; Davidson, Elizabeth
    Both widespread adoption and meaningful assimilation are needed to achieve the full benefits of EHRs.  In the U.S. the HITECH Act and its Meaningful Use (MU) program have stimulated EHR adoption to historically high levels.  Questions remain about program efficacy and possible unintended consequences.  In this paper, we report our analysis of Meaningful Use attestation data for the period 2011-2014 in the State of Hawai’i.  Findings indicate that the MU program primarily stimulated deeper assimilation of EHRs among existing adopters in 2011, mostly in large practice groups. In subsequent years, EHR adoption and assimilation, evidenced by MU attestation, increased then peaked among small, independent practices.  In the final study year, attestation rates dropped for small practices, although only one third of eligible providers have attested, while attestation among larger practices remained steady as this group shifted to the next MU stage.  Findings suggest small practices, particularly primary care and rural practices, continue to face high barriers to meaningful EHR adoption and assimilation. Findings suggest better targeted policies and incentives may be needed to keep this promising program on track. \
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    Physician’s Use of Mandatory Information Systems: An Exploratory Research in German Hospitals
    (2017-01-04) Gewald, Heiko; Gewald, Corinna
    Physician´s use of information systems remains a highly interesting area for information systems research to the recent days. Numerous studies have been conducted to investigate the enablers and inhibitors of such use. However, no study has yet provided comprehensive insights. To advance efforts in this field, this research takes a step back and investigates the issue in an exploratory research layout. 47 informants provided input accompanied by more than 40 hours of workplace shadowing in two German hospitals. \ \ Our findings show that focusing only on physicians does not help to answer the question. The root causes for successful system deployment are a combined approach to focus not only on the user but also on the process and the system. The three factors influence each other. Our findings also underline the importance of leadership and organizational setting. \
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    Patients’ Resistance towards Health Information Technology A Perspective of the Dual Factor Model of IT Usage
    (2017-01-04) Samhan, Bahae
    This paper presents a research model of patients’ resistance towards Health Information Technology (HIT). In particularly it examines patients’ reactions towards a new Patient Portal System (PPS). This work provides an integration of the technology acceptance and resistance to change literatures. The Resistance to Change construct from the User Resistance Model (URM), and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) are bridged using the dual-factor model of technology usage. This model explains the asymmetric effects of use inhibitors such as Resistance to Change on use enablers such as Performance Expectancy and Effort Expectancy. The integrative model is empirically supported using survey data collected from patients of a large public international hospital. Total of 265 valid responses were used for the data analysis. This study highlights the importance of integrating resistance to change with the technology use research especially in healthcare settings that is considered to be under researched. Moreover, it is considered to be one of the first studies in IS that brings in patients’ perspectives of new HIT.
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    Mining for Social Skills: Minecraft in Home and Therapy for Neurodiverse Youth
    (2017-01-04) Zolyomi, Annuska; Schmalz, Marc
    The Minecraft game platform has widespread popularity among children, including neurodiverse children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention-Deficit Disorder. A critical area of therapeutic focus for neurodiverse children is social learning to enhance their social connections. We conducted exploratory research to better understand the role of Minecraft in the lives of neurodiverse youth, from the perceptive of parents and clinics servicing this population. Via interviews and a focus group, we inquired into the perceptions and goals of clinics that have incorporated Minecraft into their services and parents of participating youth. Our findings are rich descriptions of the current social lives and gaming practices of neurodiverse children. Although parents and clinicians observe positive social interactions through Minecraft, parents grapple with their goals of supporting their children’s social lives and their reservations regarding online gaming communities. Parents and therapists desire more connections between virtual and face-to-face social relationships. Our findings point to the opportunity for clinicians, parents, and technology designers to facilitate social learning in online environments such as Minecraft due to its affordances to facilitate cooperation, modeling, joint attention, and performance in a safe, compelling environment.
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    Impacts of Stress, Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention on Continued Usage: Evidence from Physicians Transitioning to a New Drug Management System
    (2017-01-04) El Halabieh, Rola; Beaudry, Anne; Tamblyn, Robyn
    A survey of physicians taking part in a pilot study involving the transition from an e-prescribing system to a new integrated drug management system was conducted. Data about physicians’ level of stress induced by the system transition, satisfaction with the new system, and intention to continue to use the system, were collected as well as system usage logs before, during, and after the transition. Results indicate that physicians experiencing higher level of stress used the new system less during the transition as well as during the two months post-transition than their counterparts who reported lower level of stress. Although satisfaction with the new system was positively related to physicians’ intention to use, it was not significantly related to actual usage. A discussion of our results and their implications for research and practice concludes the paper.
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    How do features of Electronic Health Records Impact Prescription of Nicotine Replacement Therapy?
    (2017-01-04) English, Thomas; Amante, Daniel; Borglund, Erin; Kamberi, Ariana; Sadasivam, Rajani; Kinney, Rebecca; Houston, Thomas
    Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) is an effective medication to help patients quit smoking tobacco. Yet, 18% of adults in the United States still smoke cigarettes. With advancements in health technology and improved features within electronic health record (EHR) systems, it is crucial to understand how differences in EHR features influence the prescribing of NRT. We conducted a cross-sectional study of 174 primary care practices to better understand how EHR features, including drug reference databases in EHRs, were associated with NRT prescribing at a practice level. Regression models were created to understand NRT prescribing patterns among clinics with varying EHR features and found that practices using an EHR with a drug reference database were 2.3 times more likely to view NRT as a high priority for treating smokers. Use of NRT in primary care differs significantly in relation to the capability of a clinic’s technology. Clinics with more EHR features, specifically EHR drug reference databases, favored NRT. Our study suggests that pharmacotherapy could become the preferred activity in smoking cessation treatment, as EHR-integrated drug reference database prevalence increases.
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    “Focus on the Good” - Participant Perspectives after Engaging in an Online Pain Self-Management Program
    (2017-01-04) Wilson, Marian; Shaw, Michele
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate participants’ perspectives after engaging in an 8-week online pain self-management program. Unexplored qualitative data for this analysis were collected via secure online surveys distributed during a previously published randomized controlled trial. Participants for the present study were 55 adults prescribed opioid medicines for chronic pain. A qualitative descriptive approach using content analysis methods was used to analyze data obtained from three open-ended survey questions. Five common themes were identified from participant responses regarding online participation. Three themes described the benefits of the program and included: positive reframing, improved accountability, and feeling supported. Two themes described how participants would like to improve the program experience and included: desire for personalizing and ease of use. Participants’ insights regarding perceived benefits and limitations can assist health care providers in understanding how online programs may assist in chronic disease self-management for a multitude of health problems. \ \
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    Does Personality Matter When We Are Sick? An Empirical Study of the Role of Personality Traits and Health Emotion in Healthcare Technology Adoption Decision
    (2017-01-04) Rahman, Mohammed Sajedur
    Several studies reported disparities among patients in using healthcare technologies. Although some researchers cited demographic characteristics as possible factors responsible for these disparities, these factors alone may not provide a complete view of adoption issues. Thus, disparities among technology users remain a topic of interest to Health Informatics researchers. Although personality traits are important factors in influencing technology adoption behavior, its’ influence in healthcare technology adoption decision remains unknown. Moreover, individuals’ emotion related to their on-going health issues further complicate the situation. Specifically, the interaction effect between patients’ personality traits and health emotional state is an important and interesting research topic that is yet to be explored. This study proposes and empirically tests a conceptual model incorporating individuals’ personality traits and health emotional states in the context of patient portal use. The results suggest interesting finding – individual’s health emotion supersedes the influence of personality traits in healthcare technology adoption decision.