HIMB Technical Reports
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NOTE: The Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB) was called the Hawaii Marine Lab (HML) from 1951 through 1965, when it changed to the current name.
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Hawai‘i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology
School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
University of Hawai‘i
1680 East-West Road
Pacific Ocean Science & Technology (POST) Building, Room 602
Honolulu, HI 96822
Office Phone: 808.956.8760
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Dr. Peter J. Mouginis-Mark, Director
Recent Submissions
Item Fanning Island expedition, July and August 1972(Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology (formerly Hawai'i Marine Laboratory), 1973-07) Chave, K.E.; Kay, E. Alison; Kam, Dennis T.O.Item Fanning Island Expedition, January 1970(Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology (formerly Hawai'i Marine Laboratory), 1970-11) Chave, K.E.; Gallagher, Brent S.Item Preliminary Analysis of the Economics of Siganid Fish Culture in Palau(Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology (formerly Hawai'i Marine Laboratory), 1977-09) May, Robert C.; McVey, James P.This report analyzes the economics of culturing siganid fishes in Palau, based on data obtained at the Micronesian Mariculture Demonstration Center (MMDC) for Siganus canaliculatus and S. lineatus. The cost of producing fry at the MMDC hatchery is examined, followed by an analysis of the economics of culture in ponds and in cages. For both systems, "standard" methods are first considered, and then the probable economics effects of intensification are examined. Finally, the economics of culture for the ornamental fish trade and of hatchery production to support a culture-based fishery are briefly examined. With the possible exception of culture for the ornamental fish trade, the various systems considered here for siganid monoculture do not appear capable of yielding a profit, given the stated assumptions. The major problems include high production costs, which are related to the slow growth rates so far documented for the two species considered; and the low local market price for siganids, coupled with the high cost of transportation to markets with higher prices (and greater volumes). It is concluded that research on siganid culture in Palau should concentrate on reducing production costs through intensification and the development of faster-growing strains which are more tolerant of pond conditions (or the discovery of other siganid species with these attributes), and on increasing the value of the crop through polyculture and the exploration of new markets. Culture for the ornamental fish trade and for release are special cases for which economic justification may already exist. This analysis is considered preliminary because of the newness of siganid culture and the limited technical data available at this time.Item Enhancement of Natural Populations of Moi (Polydactylus Sexfilis) in Hawaii Through the Release of Hatchery-reared Juveniles -- a Feasibility Study of Sea Ranching(Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology (formerly Hawai'i Marine Laboratory), 1977-03) Rao, Teegavarapu R.There has been a drastic decline in recent years in the commercial catches of moi (Polydactylus sexfilis) in Hawaii. Encouraged by the success of ranching of non-anadromous fishes in Japan, a study was undertaken to assess the feasibility of enhancing moi populations in Hawaii through the release of hatchery-reared juveniles. The life history and fishery of moi, and the hatchery production of juveniles are discussed from the viewpoint of possible artificial recruitment. Although the moi hatchery technology developed at the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology is promising, larval survival rates presently achieved are considered too low to support a profitable juvenile-release program. Information is needed on the movements of moilii (juvenile moi) in order to determine the return rates of released juveniles. A general economic evaluation of a "model" moi ranching program. indicates that a commercially viable moi enhancement program is possible if the rearing costs were brought down to 5¢ or less per juvenile, and if one million or more moilii could be released annually. This study recommends that, as a prerequisite for the eventual establishment of a moi ranching program in Hawaii, the present hatchery technology for moi should be perfected to achieve larval survival rates of at least 20% and that a tag-recapture study on moilii in the inshore waters be initiated to obtain reliable estimates of their return rates.Item Exploration for Deep Benthic Fish and Crustacean Resources in Hawaii(Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology (formerly Hawai'i Marine Laboratory), 1972-07) Clarke, Thomas A.This paper presents results of an exploratory survey of deep benthic fish and crustacean resources in Hawaii. The purposes were to determine if any unexploited species are present in commercial quantities, to test methods and gear for these and some presently exploited species, and to provide general information on the depth distribution and biology of deep benthic fishes and crustacea. The survey was conducted using traps and gill nets set on the bottom. The equipment required, a fathometer with the proper depth range and a heavy-duty line-hauler for retrieving gear, could be mounted on most local fishing vessels. Also, it was felt that sampling with set devices would be a useful complement to recent trawling surveys conducted by the Honolulu Laboratory of the National Marine Fisheries Service. Three types of fishing were considered: trap fishing for unexploited shrimps below 80 fathoms (ca. 150 m), trap fishing for presently exploited crabs and lobster between 30 and 100 fathoms (ca. 50 and 185m), and gill netting for fishes presently exploited by hook-and-line between 60 and 200 fathoms (ca. 110 and 365 m). After a general description of gear and procedures, each of these areas will be considered separately.Item Some chlorinated pesticide residues in the water, sediment and selected biota in the Ala Wai Canal, a tropical estuary on Oahu, Hawaii(Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology (formerly Hawai'i Marine Laboratory), 1971-09) Shultz, Cynthia DawnItem Some aspects of raft culture of oysters in Hawaii(Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology (formerly Hawai'i Marine Laboratory), 1970-12) Brick, Robert W.Item An annotated checklist of Hawaiian barnacles (class Crustacea; subclass Cirripedia) with notes on their nomenclature, habitats and Hawaiian localities(Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology (formerly Hawai'i Marine Laboratory), 1970-08) Gordon, Joleen AldousItem Bibliography of the Hawaiian Monk Seal, Monachus Schauinslandi Matschie 1905(Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology (formerly Hawai'i Marine Laboratory), 1978-03) Balazs, George H.; Whittow, G CauseyThere is considerable interest in the Hawaiian monk seal at present due to its restricted range and recent designation as an "endangered species" under provisions of the U. S. Endangered Species Act of 1973. The following comprehensive list of references has therefore been assembled for the benefit of anyone seeking information on this rare, endemic marine mammal. All material known to us as of February 10, 1978, which deals either exclusively or in part with Monachus schauinslandi, has been included. A special feature of the bibliography is the incorporation of references to articles from the Honolulu newspapers and to unpublished reports, which we were in a strategic position to locate.Item Ecological Studies of the Biota of the Ala Wai Canal(Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology (formerly Hawai'i Marine Laboratory), 1975-03) Miller, Jaquelin N.The Ala Wai Canal is a long, narrow, man-made estuary located in the Waikiki district of Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of its proximity to a densely populated urban resort area, it is of considerable interest as a recreational facility. The present study of the Ala Wai Canal presents a detailed description of the physical-chemical parameters of temperature, oxygen, and salinity with regard to their horizontal, vertical, and seasonal distribution in the waters of the Canal. These parameters are in turn used to evaluate the distribution and species composition of the various marine organisms of recreational value and their associated food species. The results of this study provide the baseline data for management recommendations to increase the recreational value of the Canal to the people of Hawaii.