Internet of Things Security: CyberAssurance for Edge, Software Defined, and Fog Computing Systems

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    MAHIVE: Modular Analysis Hierarchical Intrusion Detection System Visualization Event Cybersecurity Engine for Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things Devices
    ( 2021-01-05) Steiner, Stuart ; Oyewumi, Ibukun ; Conte De Leon, Daniel
    Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), including Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) networks, have become critical to our national infrastructure. The increased occurrence of cyber-attacks on these systems and the potential for catastrophic losses illustrates the critical need to ensure our CPS and ICS are properly monitored and secured with a multi-pronged approach of prevention, detection, deterrence, and recovery. Traditional Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS) lack features that would make them well-suited for CPS and ICS environments. We report on the initial results for MAHIVE: Modular Analysis Hierarchical IDS Visualization Event cybersecurity engine. MAHIVE differs from traditional IDS in that it was specifically designed and developed for CPS, ICS, a IIoT systems and networks. We describe the MAHIVE architecture, the design, and the results of our evaluation using two ICS testbed penetration testing experiments.
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    A Systematic Mapping Study of Access Control in the Internet of Things
    ( 2021-01-05) Muthusamy Ragothaman, Kaushik Nagarajan ; Wang, Yong
    Internet of Things (IoT) provide wide range of services in both domestic and industrial environments. Access control plays a crucial role as to granting access rights to users and devices when an IoT device is connected to a network. Over the years, traditional access control models such as RBAC and ABAC have been extended to the IoT. Additionally, several other approaches have also been proposed for the IoT. This research performs a systematic mapping study of the research that has been conducted on the access control in the IoT. Based on the formulated search strategy, 1,617 articles were collected and screened for review. The systematic mapping study conducted in the paper answers three research questions regarding the access control in the IoT, i.e., what kind of access control related concerns have been raised in the IoT so far? what kind of solutions have been presented to improve access control in the IoT? what kind of research gaps have been identified in the access control research in the IoT? To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic mapping study performed on this topic.
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