Science & Technology Faculty & Researcher Works

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    ChatGPT for Classification: Evaluation of an Automated Course Mapping Method in Academic Libraries
    (2024-06-04) Young, Jonathan S.; Lammert, Morgan
    The introduction of ChatGPT has been the focus of much attention, but few specific applications for academic libraries have been shown. This study shows a proof of concept for the use of prompt engineering using reference data in GPT-4 to provide automated classifications of undergraduate course descriptions using the Library of Congress classification system. The method reduces the rate of false hallucinations from 48% to 4%, and achieves a precision of 73%. The method was tested with multiple subjects in the natural sciences, applied to 930 classifications from 181 courses, and used for collection development. This method can be implemented by librarians without extensive experience in machine learning techniques.
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    University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Library Needs Assessment for Data Management and Sharing Training Courses
    (2023-06-09) Dou, Binbin; Young, Jonathan; Dennison, Carolyn
    Data management is an increasingly fundamental skill for graduate students and researchers in the biomedical sciences, especially as National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other funding agencies are now beginning to require data management and sharing plans as part of research. Since the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (UHM) Library provided little support for this area and existing data management and sharing instructional content are either out of date or fail to address the unique needs of the UHM research community, the UHM Library took steps to establish data management and sharing instruction services to meet the specific needs of the UHM research community.
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    Diving Into Infographics: Research Skills for Early Undergraduates in Global Environmental Science
    (2023-02-01) Young, Jonathan S.; Guidry, Michael W.
    The common experience for many early undergraduate students is to be taught the basics of their field via a survey course. Most often, their introduction to the library and librarians might be a one-hour instructional session on how to use the library catalog and find books and articles. Students’ understanding of research and the library remains unchanged from their prior knowledge: sub- ject information comes from teachers and textbooks, and libraries are places to study and check out books. This chapter describes a course that attempts to re-envision this relationship by giving students an initial experience that is a dive into the research process in a manageable format, with a semester-long in- troduction to their field, to research, and the role of the academic librarian as a research partner.
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    Finding Hidden Treasures in the Data
    (Library Assessment Conference (Association of Research Libraries), 2019) Dennison, Carolyn; Sung, Jan S.
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    Analysis of Citations in Undergraduate Papers
    (College & Research Libraries, 2008) Stacey Knight-Davis, Jan S. Sung
    his paper presents the findings of a citation analysis of papers written by undergraduate students. The analysis included the types of materials cited, number of citations per paper, publication year, online availability, and refereed status of materials cited. Library ownership of materials was also analyzed. Number of citations in each paper increased over the first three papers, as did the number of refereed journals cited. There was also a positive correlation between the number of citations in the paper and the word count of the paper.
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    Do Library Fines Work? Analysis of the Effectiveness of Fines on Patron's Return Behavior at Two Mid-sized Academic Libraries
    (The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2013) Jan S. Sung, Bradely P. Tolppanen
    Data on library fines imposed at Eastern Illinois University and the University of Hawaii at Manoa was extracted and compared to determine whether fines had an impact on the patron's return behavior. The results indicated that fines as well as patron group status (undergraduate, graduate, faculty) have an impact on the patron's return behavior.
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    A Cost-Benefit Analysis of a Collections Inventory Project: A Statistical Analysis of Inventory Data from a Medium-sized Academic Library
    (The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2009) Jan S. Sung, John Whisler; Nackil Sung
    Using an electronic shelf-reading system a cost-benefit analysis was conducted of an inventory/shelf-reading project in a medium-sized academic library. Analyses include time spent, cataloging discrepancies, books found with active statuses, mis-shelving rate and distance, and subsequent use of found books. Correctly re-shelving “missing” materials was found to be more cost-effective and service oriented than repurchase.
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    Evidence-Based Practice Integration Across Hawaiʻi’s Academic Institutions
    (2017-11-03) Davis, Katherine Finn; Dennison, Carolyn Ching
    Learner Objective 1: Describe the creation of a state-wide evidence-based program to integrate EBP into undergraduate curricula Learner Objective 2: Delineate specific approaches identified by educators to facilitate academic integration BACKGROUND: The Institute of Medicine (2010), the Quality and Safety Education in Nursing Institute (2014), and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2006) consistently charge nurse academicians to integrate evidence-based practice (EBP) content into their nursing programs. However, sporadic and narrowly-focused content often fails to achieve EBP competencies necessary for the novice practicing nurse. METHODS: A PubMed search from 2011 to 2016 using keywords ‘Teaching EBP AND Nurs’ yielded 47 articles; 22 were critiqued and graded. Most (12) used program evaluation designs; nine reported strategies used to teach critiquing skills. The evidence base for how best to integrate EBP content into undergraduate curriculum is lacking in quality, quantity, and consistency. However, previously tested pedagogical strategies were suggested, such as integrating EBP content into each course, moving from simple to complex concepts, and application to practice. RESULTS: The Hawai‘i State Center for Nursing offered a three-day EBP workshop for nurse educators from schools of nursing, statewide. Using the Iowa Model as the framework, nurse faculty leveled and spiraled EBP content across undergraduate curriculum. With the assistance of a research librarian and EBP faculty, educators learned information literacy content and identified various teaching strategies for each course, entry level to senior year. Fifty nurse faculty from seven of the nine state’s schools of nursing attended the workshop. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING: The Center’s statewide approach offers the academic community the support necessary for successful integration of EBP. Systematic evaluation will be important for future implementation.
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    Indulging in Infographics: Research Presentations for First-Year Students
    (Association of College & Research Libraries, 2017) Waddell, Myra
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    Chemistry and Infomation Literacy for Informed Citizens: Creating and Implementing a Chemistry Research Assignment Using News Media
    (American Chemical Society, 2016) Waddell, Myra
    In an undergraduate chemistry research assignment, students used popular media to explore science in the news and connected the science media reports to the original scientific literature. A librarian and chemistry instructor collaborated on information literacy instruction to teach students the research skills required to successfully complete the assignment. Students participated in three scaffolded library lab activities: a pre-reflection exercise in which students were asked to articulate what they knew about scientific information and how they would conduct a search for scientific literature; a Google search activity on finding credible science news reports; and an exercise linking science found in popular news reports to the original scientific literature located in academic databases. Learning outcomes assessment is provided in qualitative summaries detailing student interactions with the library lab activities and class discussions.