Digital and Social Media in Enterprise

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    Integrated Visual Analysis for Brand Perception on Different Social Networks
    (2022-01-04) Scherer, Joana; Morais Sanvido, Pedro; Selbach Silveira, Milene; Manssour, Isabel
    Nowadays, social media fosters billions of users and has become an important communication source. Social media empowered the users' opinions supplying quick and less costly feedback compared to traditional survey methods. However, analyzing a brand through its social media is not trivial and raises challenges. To benefit from its data, brands need easy-to-use tools to help them understand the data gathered. Thus, the main goal of this work is to provide a visual analysis approach composed of several interactive visualization techniques to support brands to obtain insights from their social media. Besides the analyses allowed by integrating different social media data, the proposed approach has a well-defined pipeline that can be extended and used without programming knowledge. We conducted two case studies to explore these analyses, one for Netflix and one for Amazon Prime Video data. The results help us to highlight the approach's potential and possible future investigations.
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    Identifying Value-adding Users in Enterprise Social Networks
    (2022-01-04) Schmid, Isabel; Wehner, Benjamin; Leist, Susanne
    Enterprise Social Networks (ESN) have been gaining increasing attention both in academia and practice. In previous works, different user types were identified in ESN. However, there is no clear definition of value-adding users, their characteristics and how this type of user can be identified. Based on a literature review, we show that value-adding users are defined in different ways in respect to different objectives, for example spreading knowledge, vivacity of the network or real-time feedback. Each of the value-adding users shows different characteristics that are allocated to the following dimensions: network structure, message, behavior, and social network affinity. Based on the objectives and characteristics, we conduct a single case study, analyze a dataset of a cooperating company, conduct several interviews, and thereby identify value-adding users with respect to objectives. So, we can show that our approach is applicable, useful and that it is a valuable means to take decisions.
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    Examining Employee Social Media Deviance: A Psychological Contract Breach Perspective
    (2022-01-04) Guan, Bowen; Hsu, Carol; Xu, Feng
    With the prevalence of social media, employees’ deviant behaviors on social media can go viral and result in unpredictable negative outcomes beyond the workplace. This paper investigates the relationship between abusive supervision and employee social media deviance from the theoretical perspective of psychological contract breach (PCB), and examine the moderating role of social media controls. Building on prior studies of abusive supervision and employee workplace deviance, this paper argues that abusive supervision plays a crucial motivational role in triggering employee social media deviance. Our results demonstrate that employees who experience abusive supervision are more likely to perceive PCB, and thus engage in social media deviance. User awareness of social media policy and informal sanctions can weaken the positive relationship between employee perceived PCB and social media deviance.
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    Introduction to the Minitrack on Digital and Social Media in Enterprise
    (2022-01-04) Deng, Xuefei; Wang, Tawei; Gonzalez, Ester