Distributed Collaboration in Organizations and Networks

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    Situational dimensions of a coordination theory for network-based team management
    ( 2021-01-05) Barros, Alistair ; Jabbari, Mohammad ; Bidar, Reihaneh ; Ter Hofstede, Arthur ; Kazantsev, Nikolay
    The digital coordination of work in emerging organizational landscapes is at a critical moment of evolution. New challenges are emerging as the modern workplace of enterprises has widened from static partnerships, to open ecosystems and digital communities with highly distributed resources, teams, and activities. To address the emerging need for future work coordination models, we provided a modernization of coordination theory and proposed situational dimensions and facets of work management contexts. As the first exposition of this, we focused on team management covering formation, resourcing, structuring, and operations. The multidimensional team coordination framework was validated through an open manufacturing case study.
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    Requirements for a Control Instrument of Intraorganizational Online Collaboration - A Maturity Model Analysis
    ( 2021-01-05) Reeb, Samuel ; Dilefeld, Franziska ; Schebesta, Philip ; Szabó, Johanna
    Intraorganizational online collaboration (IOC) can be designed in various ways but there is still a backlog in how to control IOC and deriving corresponding actions. This paper aims to find and analyze approaches for an evaluation model of intraorganizational online collaboration. By using interview data, of in-depth interview with field experts the importance of an organizational control instrument for IOC is elaborated and a requirement catalogue for such instruments is deduced. This catalogue is applied in an initial analysis of maturity models (MM) as one identified approach of a control instrument for IOC. The findings show that the analyzed MMs fulfil the catalogue of requirements in different degrees and that suitable approaches exist. However, all MMs do have disadvantages and further developments of the models are required.
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    Mapping World Scientific Collaboration on the Research of COVID-19: Authors, Journals, Institutions, and Countries
    ( 2021-01-05) Zhao, Rongying ; Liu, Zhuozhu ; Zhang, Xiaoxi ; Wang, Junling ; Zhang, Zhaoyang
    The COVID-19 (2019 novel Coronavirus) is the most widespread pandemic infectious disease encountered in human history. Its economic losses and the number of countries involved rank first in the history of human viruses. After the outbreak, researchers in the field of medicine quickly carried out scientific research on the virus. Through a visual analysis of relevant scientific research papers from January 1st to April 1st, 2020, we can grasp the worldwide scientific research cooperation situation of 2019-nCoV research and reflect the international collaboration in combating the pandemic. To this end, 415 papers indexed in Thomson Reuters’s Web of Science were studied to provide a visualized description of scientific collaborations across the world by multiple levels, including author level, journal level, institution level and country level.
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    Introduction to the Minitrack on Distributed Collaboration in Organizations and Networks
    ( 2021-01-05) Cogburn, Derrick ; Espinosa, J. ; Santuzzi, Alecia