Health Behavior Change Support Systems Minitrack

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In the Health Behavior Change Support Systems minitrack, we focus on how systems and services aimed at influencing health and/or wellbeing behavior can be developed, designed and implemented. All Behavior Change Support Systems (BCSS) are persuasive systems; they have been designed with the intent to influence user behaviors. The minitrack will emphasize how persuasive theories and models can be used to develop efficient and effective HBCSSs as interventions for different contexts in healthcare, e.g. persuasive decision support systems for self-care or persuasive games to support chronic care, how end-users can be involved to design HBCSS in practice and what evaluation methods are needed to assess the impact of HBCSS on healthier living.

Health education is to influence patients towards changing behaviour towards their healthcare management. Patient-centred healthcare and empowering patients have been the focus of healthcare industry in recent years. Behaviour change support to patients have been an important aspects in healthcare management processes. Emphasis in the minitrack will be placed on both design and development of the HBCSSs and implementation and appraisal of the artifacts (i.e. the system), their outcomes and consumer health informatics. The primary focus is not be purely about methodologies or technologies.

The topics of the minitrack include the following, but are not limited to them.

  • Design and development:
    • User involvement in early stages of HBCSS development to tailor systems in accord with user profiles
    • Stakeholders’ perspectives (users and experts) to create HBCSSs that have value in practice
    • Persuasive strategies that are effective at different stages of the persuasion process in achieving behavior (attitude, behavior, compliance) change
    • Using persuasive strategies to support activities offline (e.g. to support viewing and downloading mindfulness exercises, to support social support in lifestyle changing programs)
    • Persuasive prompts to create engagement and involvement in serious game interventions
    • User profiles to identify which persuasive strategies matter most for whom
    • Software designs and design approaches for developing HBCSSs
    • Discussion or evaluation of development approaches for HBCSSs
    • Design of mobile technologies for health (mHealth) and mobile approaches to HBCSSs
  • Implementation and evaluation:
    • Usage data to know the dose, duration, time and format of persuasive strategies
    • Adequate design for measuring the effect of persuasive strategies on task adherence during usage and long-term effects (fractional factorial designs)
    • Frameworks and methodologies to measure A/B/C-Changes (attitude or behavior change, or an act of compliance)
    • Profiling personalities and matching them with persuasive strategies
    • Multimodal cues and measurement of the effects on adherence and outcomes
    • Advanced analytics to predict adherence, and to identify usage patterns and the effects on adherence
    • Evaluation of persuasiveness of different HBCSSs (mobile, ubiquitous, ambient technologies), moving towards a checklist for practice
  • Consumer health informatics
    • Decision support tool for patients in providing health behaviour change
    • Patient education and patient empowerment
    • Remote monitoring
    • Health behaviour change through mobile technologies, teleconsultation and telemedicine

Minitrack Co-Chairs:

Khin Tan Win (Primary Contact)
University of Wollongong

Harri Oinas-Kukkonen
University of Oulu

Sriram Iyengar
Texas A & M University


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Item
    Using a Key Informant Focus Group, Formative User Testing, and Theory to Guide Design of a Sleep Health BCSS
    (2017-01-04) Wilson, E. Vance; Djamasbi, Soussan; Strong, Dianne; Ruiz, Carolina
    Designing effective applications is an important goal for software development researchers as well as practitioners. Researchers in the field of Persuasive Technologies have contributed significant theories intended to guide software developers. Yet due to the comprehensive nature of these theories as well as their recency, many aspects have not received much study—especially aspects that require integration of multiple theoretical perspectives. This paper applies a design science research approach to develop a sleep health app for use by college students. We use this setting to demonstrate how requirements gathered via a key informant focus group and formative user testing can be mapped to both persuasive system design and behavior change support system theories with the result of producing clear guidance for subsequent app design and assessment.
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    Persuasive Systems Design features in Promoting Medication Management for consumers
    (2017-01-04) Win, Khin Than; Mullan, Judy; Howard, Sarah; Oinas-Kukkonen, Harri
    Medication safety continues to be a growing concern in the healthcare industry. Providing medication information to consumers and supporting self- management would help to reduce medication errors and to increase medication adherence. This paper reviews the persuasive systems design features used in current medication management applications for consumers. A database search was conducted to identify relevant articles, which were then reviewed using the Persuasive Systems Design model as a framework for analysis. The results highlighted the applicability of these features for the medication management information systems available to consumers. Primary task support and Dialogue support categories were highly cited in the articles. System credibility support category was moderately cited and the Social support category was cited least in the reviewed articles. Tailoring, monitoring and reminder features have been considered more than the other features in previous studies.
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    How Effective Is “Exergamification”? A Systematic Review on the Effectiveness of Gamification Features in Exergames
    (2017-01-04) Matallaoui, Amir; Koivisto, Jonna; Hamari, Juho; Zarnekow, Ruediger
    Physical activity is very important to public health and exergames represent one potential way to enact it. The promotion of physical activity through gamification and enhanced anticipated affect also holds promise to aid in exercise adherence beyond more traditional educational and social cognitive approaches. This paper reviews empirical studies on gamified systems and serious games for exercising. In order to gain a better understanding of these systems, this review examines the types and aims (e.g. controlling body weight, enjoying indoor jogging…) of the corresponding studies as well as their psychological and physical outcomes. This paper particularly reviews the deployed motivational affordances and the effectiveness of incorporating gamification features in exergames. The review shows overall positive psychological outcomes (e.g. enjoying exercise) as well as behavioral ones (e.g. decreasing sedentariness) about exergames. Its findings inform about the current state of the research on the topic, based on which, suggestions for further research are outlined.
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    Formative Evaluation to Determine Facilitators and Barriers to Nurse-driven Implementation: Designing an Inpatient mHealth Intervention to Support Smoking Cessation
    (2017-01-04) Blok, Amanda C.; Sadasivam, Rajani S.; Houston, Thomas K.
    The inpatient setting is often a missed opportunity for the introduction of technology to promote health using behavioral techniques. Nurses are stakeholders in the implementation of technology for patients in the inpatient setting and are essential for the determination of feasibility and relevance. The objective of this study was to identify facilitators and barriers for introduction of health-related patient technology, and specifically the appropriateness of mobile health (mHealth) technology in the hospital setting as identified by nurse leaders and staff. Methods of formative evaluation included nurse leader and staff semi-structured interviews and qualitative analysis. Nurses are comfortable with patients using mHealth technology in the inpatient setting. Facilitators for the introduction of technology to hospitalized patients were identified. Based on the formative evaluation findings, we developed an Implementation Program for mHealth technology introduction in the inpatient setting.
  • Item
    Introduction to Health Behavior Change Support Systems Minitrack
    (2017-01-04) Win, Khin Than; Oinas-Kukkonen, Harri; Iyengar, Sriram