Digital Services and The Digitalization of Services

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    How Well Do Service Concepts Apply to Digital Services and Service Digitalization?
    ( 2020-01-07) Alter, Steven
    This paper explores the extent to which typical service concepts apply to digital service (DS) and service digitalization. It defines service, service systems, digital, digitalization, digital objects, digital agents, digital service, and service digitalization. Application of those definitions to four real world cases explores how well concepts from the service literature describe DS and service digitalization.
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    Semantic Shopping: A Literature Study
    ( 2020-01-07) Cordes, Ann-Kristin ; Barann, Benjamin ; Rosemann, Michael ; Becker, Jörg
    The digitalization of the economy and society overall has a significant impact on customers’ shopping behavior. After being conditioned by experiences in entertainment or simple Internet search, customers increasingly expect that a smart shopping assistant understands his/her shopping intentions and transfers these to shopping recommendations. Thus, the emerging opportunity in this context is to facilitate an intention-based shopping experience similar to the way semantic search engines provide responses to enquiries. In order to progress this new area, we differentiate alternative types of shopping intentions to provide the first set of conversation patterns. Grounded in the Speech Act Theory and a structured literature review, semantic shopping is defined and different types of shopping intentions are deduced.
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    An Experimental Case Study on Edge Computing Based Cyber-Physical Digital Service Provisioning with Mobile Robotics
    ( 2020-01-07) Pakkala, Daniel ; Koivusaari, Jani ; Pääkkönen, Pekka ; Spohrer, James
    Digitalization of physical interaction and infrastructure intensive industries provides an opportunity for new kind of value co-creation via cyber-physical digital service provisioning. The rapid technological progress is enabling re-distribution of both physical and cognitive tasks and work between people and machines. The paper explores concept of cyber-physical digital service and presents an experimental case study on cyber-physical digital service provisioning for building diagnostics, utilizing a mobile robot as service actor and resource. The case study applies Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM) with an objective to identify insights on design challenges and digital technology infrastructure requirements of cyber-physical digital service provisioning. Based on evaluation of designed, developed and demonstrated trial system, insights on identified design challenges and related requirements for evolution of digital technology infrastructure are provided as results
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    Take it Personally – The Role of Consumers’ Perceived Value of Personalization on Cross-Category Use in a Smart Home Ecosystem
    ( 2020-01-07) Hubert, Marco ; Carugati, Andrea ; Brock, Christian ; Obel, Børge
    The establishment of a smart home ecosystem – an assemblage of smart technologies across segments in private households – generates value for both companies and customers. However, the complexity of a smart home ecosystem based on data sharing and personalization as a necessity for value perception also generates tensions between the value created by data sharing and the value of privacy. Therefore, this study, based on a survey of 1049 consumers, investigates the acceptance and use of smart home devices and smart home ecosystems by observing drivers of personalization, trust, privacy components and technology acceptance. The empirical analyses show that especially consumers’ perceived value from personalization plays a significant role in smart home ecosystem acceptance. This research offers results for theory development and practical implications by extending existing technology acceptance models to ecosystems and by showing the need for a focus on sophisticated personalized applications within a smart home ecosystem.
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    Actors’ Dynamic Value Co-creation and Co-destruction Behavior in Service Systems: A Structured Literature Review
    ( 2020-01-07) Li, Mengcheng ; Tuunanen, Tuure
    This paper investigates resource integration and social interaction as the two core processes of value co-creation and co-destruction in a service system. We applied a structured literature review as our research methodology to develop a framework to depict the components of value co-creation and co-destruction processes and to understand the behavioral drivers of service system actors as well as the positive and negative value outcomes derived through resource integration and social interaction. By analyzing the 51 papers that meet the inclusion criteria, we found that actors’ engagement in value creation process are motivated by different behavioral drivers. Then, applying resource integration, and more specifically, access, matching, and resourcing, actors interact through social interaction employing communication, dialogue, and trust contribute to the dynamic process of value co-creation and co-destruction embedded on context-based practices, which leads to actors’ unique perceived value outcomes.
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    The Roles of Individual Actors in Data-Driven Service Innovation – A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective to Explore its Microfoundations
    ( 2020-01-07) Schymanietz, Martin ; Jonas, Julia M.
    The increasing amount of data that can be collected from interconnected devices offers various opportunities for the co-creative innovation of data-driven services. It demands for the integration of traditional and new actors that have to deal with alternating roles. Using a modified Delphi method, this study takes a microfoundational view and investigates the roles of individual actors that together shape an organization’s ability to innovate. By identifying relevant activities and their relative importance in the innovation of data-driven services, the study specifies nine actor roles and their contribution to organizational capabilities. The findings indicate that technical roles are less important than those that shape mindset and strategy. The paper contributes to current research on the utilization of data for service innovation by providing a microfoundational view of individual actors that helps to account for such higher-level phenomena as dynamic capabilities.
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    Introduction to the Minitrack on Digital Services and The Digitalization of Services
    ( 2020-01-07) Tuunanen, Tuure ; Leimeister, Jan ; Böhmann, Tilo