Topics in Organizational Systems and Technology Minitrack

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This minitrack is special. It is set up to provide a forum for papers in the Organizational Systems and Technology track that do not ‘fit’ exactly in a specific track. We often serve as an incubator for new ideas.

Over the years we have actively solicited non-traditional, imaginative, and thought-provoking research in any IT area. We are particularly interested in papers that break new ground in new areas, or those that apply existing research to new industry groups or fields.

The papers that we accept generally have the following characteristics:

  1. They are cross-disciplinary - can be disciplines other than MIS
  2. They address current topics that are important to today’s managers
  3. They have a practitioner ‘flavor.’
  4. Case studies are welcomed, particularly if they propose questions that will stimulate discussion among session attendees.

Minitrack Co-Chairs:

Mark N. Frolick (Primary Contact)
Xavier University

Kelly Rainer
Auburn University

Jim Ryan
Auburn University at Montgomery


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
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    Watch Out-It’s My Private Space! Examining the Influence of Technology Driven Intrusions on Employee Performance
    (2017-01-04) Shirish, Anuragini; Chandra, Shalini; Srivastava, Shirish C.
    In this research we draw upon organizational literature on spatial intrusion to identify two components of technology related employee intrusion concerns -- employee accessibility and employee visibility. Situating our arguments in learning and control perspectives, we theorize the influence of employee ‘accessibility’ and ‘visibility’ on two technology enabled employee outcomes of productivity and innovation. We test the proposed research model through a survey of senior organizational managers who regularly use organizational technologies for executing their routine tasks. Results indicate that employee accessibility generally has positive while employee visibility has negative relationship with performance outcomes. Findings have significant implications for research and practice because they show that spatial intrusion does not necessarily have a negative influence on employee performance.
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    Understanidng Mobile Work Continuance of Chineses Knowledge Workers
    (2017-01-04) Chen, Leida
    As more and more organizations adopt a “mobile by default” approach to information systems and work design, studying mobile work as a post-adoption phenomenon is both important and timely. Using data collected from 238 Chinese mobile workers, this study develops and validates a model of mobile work continuance. Our findings suggest that the expectation-confirmation framework provides strong theoretical support for explaining mobile work continuance, and that performance, technical support, management support, data security concerns and work life balance concerns affect knowledge workers’ mobile work continuance intention collectively.
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    Towards a Typology of Relevance
    (2017-01-04) Mohajeri, Kaveh; Leidner, Dorothy
    This essay presents a speculative work on making distinctions among different equally valid types of research relevance. The work is innovative not only because it departs from the extant monistic perspectives, where only narrow forms of relevance are acknowledged, towards a pluralist perspective, but also because it recognizes and accounts for the plurality in the perceptions of relevance among different stakeholder groups of the same research. The pluralist perspective draws on the notion of “empowerment,” widely employed in such domains as education and social work, and suggests that relevant research in fact can be understood as empowering research to which different stakeholder groups can relate in one way or another. Two analytical dimensions are identified in relation to the notion of “empowerment,” and are used in order to demonstrate four general types of relevance that can be achieved in IS research.
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    Towards a Science of Checklists
    (2017-01-04) Reijers, Hajo A.; Leopold, Henrik; Recker, Jan
    Checklists are in use in many work domains, including aviation, manufacturing, quality control, and healthcare. Despite their adoption, the literature shows both breadth and persistence of problems with the organizational usage of checklists. In this paper, we conduct a structured literature survey to analyze checklists from the perspective of informational artifacts. Our contribution is a respective conceptualization of checklists and a rigorous analysis of their problems. As we will argue, these insights help to consider how the capabilities of IT systems can be leveraged to improve checklists and address their problematic aspects. We present our work as a basis for IT-oriented research into a relevant yet under-examined information practice in organizational work routines.
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    The Effect of Anarchistic Actions in Digital Product Innovation Networks: The Case of “Over the Air” Software Updates
    (2017-01-04) Isaksson, Vincent; Hylving, Lena
    In this paper we explore mirroring challenges when an incumbent firm endeavor digital innovation. More specifically, we describe how AutoInc, organized according to the physical vehicle it produces, is challenged when an “over the air” software service is developed and implemented. Using the mirroring hypothesis as a point of departure to understand existing and emerging innovation networks, we recognize anarchistic actions. The analysis reveals the emergence of anarchic actions and how they challenge well-established federative innovation networks within the organization. With continued focus on technology, the project and organization disregarded necessary social structure development, which resulted in reduced capabilities to utilize the digitalized service. This qualitative paper also illustrates how the mirroring hypothesis, although originating from product innovation literature, can be used to understand digitalization dynamics. To the end, the analysis shows that the digital product innovation classification structure may need additional tuning.
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    Ethics and CSR Research in Top Ranked IS Journals, 1980-2013: A Developing Trend or Anomaly?
    (2017-01-04) Weiss, Joseph
    This study analyzes scholarly research on ethics and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in selected top ranked journals in the Information Systems field from 1980-2013. The purpose is to identify and examine the salience of ethics and CSR concepts and approaches in IS journals. Eighty-six articles were analyzed using bibliometric methods. Results show an increase in the use of ethics and CSR concepts from 1.24 to 2.23 percent of articles published during this period; the topics of privacy and principles were used in the sample of most cited articles; quantitative methods were more prevalent than qualitative methods; and non-normative (descriptive) ethical and CSR approaches slightly exceeded the use normative (‘ought’/’should’) orientations, which may indicate an integrative or fragmented state of development of IS as a developing field. We discuss whether or not these results signal a developing trend or an anomaly regarding the inclusion of ethics and CSR in the evolving field of IS research.
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    Introduction to Topics in Organizational Systems and Technology Minitrack
    (2017-01-04) Frolick, Mark; Rainer, Kelly; Ryan, Jim