Mixed, Augmented and Virtual Reality: Services and Applications

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    Virtual Reality Technologies in Health Care: A Literature Review of Theoretical Foundations
    (2022-01-04) Knop, Michael; Ressing, Caroline; Mueller, Marius; Weber, Sebastian; Freude, Henrik; Niehaves, Bjoern
    The digitization of health care promises an improvement of medical care through the adoption of virtual reality (VR) related technologies. Although most undergoing mechanisms of clinical effectiveness are yet not defined theoretically, research approaches have already taken place in several empirical settings. To structure current and upcoming scientific work in this field, we conducted a literature review with regard to theoretical implications of both IS-related and healthcare-related research. We found several theoretical bases to build upon in the field of psychology, but expressed a need for enrichment of theoretical foundations in the field of IS research. We therefore plead for a theoretical foundation enriched by synergetic concepts of clinically effective VR related technologies. Finally, we conclude that VR related technologies appear as a promising approach worth further theoretical and empirical research in order to improve medical care.
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    How Does Extended Reality Influence Consumer Decision Making? The Empirical Evidence from A Laboratory Experiment
    (2022-01-04) Xi, Nannan; Bampouni, Elpida; Hamari, Juho
    Extended reality (XR) technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) have been postulated to revolutionize many human endeavors commonly undertaken at a location such as work, education, shopping and so on. While this future scenario may become reality sooner or later in the future, it is an increasingly pertinent question how these technologies may affect our cognitive processing and related decision making. Especially in business and marketing, consumers’ decision making and choice plays the determining role in the business success. Therefore in this study we conduct a laboratory experiment in the shopping context for investigating the two main aspects of consumer decision making (quality and satisfaction) in four different extended reality conditions; physical reality, augmented reality, virtual reality and augmented virtuality (N = 160). The results show that XR technologies differentially influence consumer decision making. More specifically, AR had no significant effect on decision quality or satisfaction; while VR was positively associated with decision quality. In addition, there was no significant interaction effect between AR and VR on decision making.
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    Haptic Sensory Perception and Customer Experience in a 360-Virtual Store: Does Time Spent Play a Role?
    (2022-01-04) Wang, Yuyu; Hallikainen, Heli; Ruusunen, Nino; Laukkanen, Tommi
    Building on stimulus(S)-organism(O)-response(R) theory, this research examines the effects of haptic sensory perception on user experience and satisfaction in a 360-virtual store. We postulate that time spent in a 360-virtual store reinforces the effects in the S-O-R model. The results support the theory that haptic sensory perception triggered by a 360-virtual store (stimulus) improves customer experience (organism) and that the experience further enhances virtual store satisfaction (response). We find that the time spent in a virtual store reinforces the former effect, but not the latter effect. The results of an experiment involving 587 respondents further suggest that this finding only holds true to users who are merely browsing, but not to users tasked with searching for a specific product in the 360-virtual store. We encourage management to create sensory cues in virtual stores to improve user experience and satisfaction, and virtual in-store stimuli to increase time spent in the store.
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    A Comparison of Gesture and Controller-based User Interfaces for 3D Design Reviews in Virtual Reality
    (2022-01-04) Nyyssönen, Taneli; Helle, Seppo; Lehtonen, Teijo; Smed, Jouni
    We present a custom virtual reality (VR) hand-tracking user interface developed in Unity, and compare it with a similar industry level application (CTRL Elements) utilising controllers. Both applications afford spawning, relocating, reorienting, and rescaling 3D-models within a virtual environment in addition to horizontal, vertical, and rotational user movement options. The interfaces are tested with Oculus Quest 2 VR headset, which is also responsible for the hand-tracking. Our main motivation is to gain an insight into whether hand-tracking UIs could provide added value to industrial design review solutions. We also pinpoint the major advantages and flaws in the controllerless approach and report which of our gesture-based controls are the most intuitive and usable.
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    Introduction to the Minitrack on Mixed, Augmented and Virtual Reality: Services and Applications
    (2022-01-04) Holopainen, Jani; Pöyry, Essi; Hamari, Juho; Mattila, Osmo