Managing Knowledge for Innovation, Agility, and Collaboration Minitrack
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In this century of social media, big data and mobile applications this track focuses on the contribution that KM makes to supporting organizational innovation and strategic agility. As the global economic environment continues to challenge, a fundamental transformation of KM has been taking place in two directions: (1) exploring how the inflows and outflows of knowledge have expanded to accelerate internal innovation and expand the markets for external use of innovation, and (2) how KM is used to support and sustain organizational agility. Both these themes support alternative approach to organizing for innovation and other organizational activities in an open environment with multiple participants and stakeholders. These themes are open to the exploration of the effectiveness of new methods and organizational structures for improving innovation and organizational agility by engaging a broader base of outside knowledge holders and raise important new issues about how knowledge is created and applied to derive business value, generate new ideas, and develop new products and solutions. In line with this challenging research issue, this minitrack solicits papers on the broadest range of research methodologies including case studies, action research, experimentation, survey, and simulation.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
- Knowledge, complexity and innovation
- Managing knowledge and open innovation models
- Managing knowledge to support organizational agility
- Implementation issues in using KM to support innovation
- KM governance to support organizational aims and objectives
- Innovation in the face of uncertainty
- Managing innovation in a global environment
- The role of knowledge in business agility developing and innovating in products and services
- Knowledge for organizational adaptation to market and environmental change
- Knowledge co-creation in communities, markets and open platforms
- Tools and techniques for managing innovation
- Social media as a KM tool for stimulating and/or supporting innovation
- How management of knowledge contributes to the generation, evaluation and implementation of new products, services, processes and solutions
- KM/KMS support for collaborative and creative work
- Knowledge sharing, diffusion and creativity: the influence of organizational culture and structure
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Marianne Gloet (Primary Contact)
University of Melbourne
Danny Samson
University of Melbourne
Dragos Vieru
Distance Learning University of Québec, Canada