Reports from the Field Minitrack
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There is no dearth of Knowledge Management theory and associated research; numerous journals focus exclusively on the topic, and several information systems-oriented conferences feature KMS-specific tracks. There is also an active practitioner base of knowledge workers who develop, implement, manage, and use knowledge management systems. As with many areas in information systems, there is often a gulf between the research conducted by the academic community and the needs and experiences of the practitioners.
The goal of this minitrack is to provide a “bridge” between the knowledge management systems practitioner community and the scholars that build theory and conduct research in that domain. The goal will be addressed in the form of case studies that document specific knowledge system successes or failures.
Possible contributions regarding reports from the field in knowledge management may include, but are not limited to the following:
- Best practices in using technology, processes, or personnel to promote:
- Knowledge creation
- Knowledge maintenance
- Storing knowledge
- Retrieving knowledge
- Promoting a willingness to contribute to a knowledge repository
- Promoting a willingness to seek knowledge from a knowledge repository
- Specific challenges encountered and successfully overcome in designing, implementing or using a knowledge management system
- Specific challenges in designing, implementing, or using a knowledge management system that have defied resolution
- Specific challenges to organizational leadership face in knowledge acquisition, distribution, retrieval, retention, and evolution of knowledge workers using a knowledge management system
- Challenges and opportunities to the research community
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Vincent Scovetta (Primary Contact)
Long Island University (C.W. Post Campus)
Computer Science & Management Engineering
Timothy J. Ellis
Nova Southeastern University
Julee Hafner