Metrics, Models, and Simulation for Cyber-Physical Systems Minitrack
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The Metric, Models, and Simulation for Cyber-Physical Systems focuses on the different frameworks that have been operationalized so that cyber-physical systems can be baselined in security. In addition, the minitrack is interested in innovations in decision support such as cost effective means to decide what metrics should be addressed to get the best value in cybersecurity. There are many challenges to overcome in cyber-physical systems. We ask: How should frameworks be operationalized? What methodologies are available to quantify cybersecurity frameworks while accounting for cyber-physical interactions into account.
This minitrack will bring together academia, industry and government to discuss the models, methods and the issues in implementation. This minitrack is inspired by research conducted on behalf of Carnegie Melon’s Software Engineering Institute into cybersecurity risk model for insurance companies.
Our minitrack invites basic and applied research as well as current models being developed to score companies, applied by insurance companies, or novel advances in characterizing adaptive cyber adversary attacks and associated likelihoods and consequences.
This minitrack addresses many of cybersecurity viewed from an “enlightened security” perspective. The following topics will be included in the minitrack:
- Holistic risk analysis
- Cyber economics
- Science of security
- Co-evolution of defense and offense
- Security visualization and prediction
- Theories of vulnerability classification and control
- Security measurement
- Advances in information assurance theory and practice
- Advances in specification, design, and implementation of assured systems
- Advances in verification, testing, and certification of assured systems
- Advances in software security analysis
- Business case and ROI development for information and software assurance
- Supply chain and standards issues in information and software assurance • Case studies of system assurance successes
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Barry Charles Ezell (Primary Contact)
Old Dominion University
Luanne Burns Goldrich
John Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab