The Internet of Everything: Converging the Internet of People (IoP) and the Internet of Things (IoT)

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    Information Systems in the Era of the Internet of Things: A Domain-Specific Modelling Language
    (2021-01-05) Strobel, Gero
    Based on the technological developments of the last few years and the associated digitalisation, the Internet of Things is now an essential part of practically every aspect of life. Smart products with their sensors and actuators are not only boundary objects between the physical and digital world, but also tie both worlds more and more together. The capabilities of the products range from simple monitoring tasks by drones in agriculture to autonomous use in mining. However, in order to exploit the full potential of these capabilities, it is not enough to use individual smart products or sensors, it is necessary to develop holistic IoT-based information systems from the ground up. To take such a systemic perspective, it is essential to have a sound conceptual understanding of the domain and a common language. Against this background, the publication presents a domain-specific modelling language for IoT- based information systems.
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    Enhance User Engagement using Gamified Ineternet of Things
    (2021-01-05) Xiao, Ruowei; Wu, Zhanwei; Buruk, Oguz Turan; Hamari, Juho
    Gamification is considered as a promising approach to enhance people’s engagement in many social or technical systems, thus is supposed to play an important role in future Internet of Everything (IoE). Although gamification elements have already been reported in various IoT research, there still lacks answers about how gamification may affect user engagement in IoT systems and through what paths. In present work, we are synthesizing and analyzing existing research efforts in these emerging fields to provide implications for future IoE development. The results are categorized into three dimensions by considering cognitive-behavioral outcome, procedural stage and population scale.