Smart Mobility Ecosystems and Services

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    Resource Integration in a Vehicle Ecosystem
    (2022-01-04) Alotaibi, Awatif; Barros, Alistair; Degirmenci, Kenan
    Service-dominant logic has moved users from consumers to valued co-creators in transactional ecosystems. In service-dominant logic, privacy and trust are private resources. This logic is a metaperspective that needs to be integrated with mid-range theories to investigate how these resources are integrated, and what influence the integration. Thus, this study uses the enhanced antecedents–privacy concerns–outcomes model. This model includes different levels of cognitive effort that influence private resource integration. Then, we conducted interviews with Tesla owners in Australia. Tesla owners gave high-level cognitive responses and attitudes, including environmental concerns, altruism, attitudes towards electric vehicles, and privacy concerns. They also gave low-level cognitive responses or biases, such as implicit trust and positivity. Specifically, our findings indicate that users distrust vehicle manufacturers; environmental concerns lead to perceived benefits; altruism, implicit trust, and positivity mitigate privacy concerns; and privacy concerns increase the perceived privacy risks. These behavioral responses influence resource integration, feeding into our proposed model.
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    Monetizing Car Data: A Literature Review on Data-Driven Business Models in the Connected Car Domain
    (2022-01-04) Sterk, Felix; Dann, David; Weinhardt, Christof
    The amount of data generated by a single modern vehicle is exploding. Consequently, the entire global automotive industry is facing the question of how to monetize this valuable data. Triggered by the connectivity trend, data-driven business models disrupt the automotive ecosystem by changing mobility behavior, proliferation of technical enablers, new strategic collaborations, and shifting revenue streams. In this study, we analyze the existing body of literature on data-driven business models in the connected car domain and structure it according to four dimensions---value proposition, value architecture, value network, and value finance. Thereby, we contribute to the business model research by providing a comprehensive overview and categorization of existing works in this area and laying the foundation for future research.
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    Introduction to the Minitrack on Smart Mobility Ecosystems and Services
    (2022-01-04) Tuunainen, Virpi; Rossi, Matti; Lindman, Juho