Asia Pacific Security Survey Report

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Presents results of surveys of security analysts from the Asia Pacific region, an outgrowth and continuation of the "Asia Pacific Security Outlook" project and book series launched in 1997 under the joint sponsorship of the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE), the ASEAN/ISIS institutions, and the East-West Center.

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    Asia Pacific security survey, 2007 : report
    (Honolulu: East-West Center, 2007) Rolfe, James
    This report—and the series—bring together and compare responses from a variety of perspectives and nationalities to a set of questions on Asia Pacific regional security. The information compiled from the survey provides a generally accurate representation of the state of thinking about the security outlook in the region among security specialists. This report presents the results of a survey completed by 104 security analysts from 17 countries across the Asia Pacific region as well as European specialists in this field. This is the second year that the East-West Center has conducted this survey, and it reflects an expansion in the number of participants from the previous year as well as some changes in the content of the survey. Comparisons with the previous survey are included in the report.
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    Asia Pacific security survey, 2006 : report
    (Honolulu: East-West Center, 2006) Baker, Richard W.
    This report presents the results of a survey completed by 73 security analysts from 15 countries in the Asia Pacific region plus two other "country groups"—Europe and the Pacific Islands. The survey is an outgrowth and continuation of the "Asia Pacific Security Outlook" project and book series launched in 1997 under the joint sponsorship of the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE), the ASEAN/ISIS institutions, and the East-West Center. Although the publication is being suspended, the questionnaire sustains the essence of the project, which is to provide a diversity of perspectives on regional security issues. The information compiled from the survey provides a generally accurate representation of the state of thinking about the security outlook in the region among security specialists.
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    Asia Pacific security survey, 2008 : report
    (Honolulu: East-West Center, 2008) Baker, Richard W.; Fox, Galen W.
    This report--and the series--bring together and compare responses from a variety of perspectives and nationalities to a set of questions on Asia Pacific regional security. The information compiled from the survey provides a generally accurate representation of the state of thinking about the security outlook in the region among security specialists.This report presents the results of an online survey completed by 128 security analysts from 16 countries across the Asia Pacific region plus Taiwan and Europe. This is the third year that the East-West Center has conducted this survey, and it reflects an expansion in the number of participants from the previous year as well as some changes in the content of the survey. The report includes comparisons with the two previous surveys.
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